Wednesday, December 30, 2020


An old saying goes something like this....You can't move forward looking in a rearview mirror. 

Hmmm.  I see what they're saying but this year has made me rethink this old adage.  Before putting 2020 too far in our past, I think we should take a long, thoughtful look at what has transpired in our lives.   

IS IT JUST ME, OR DID YEAR 2020 CHANGE YOU? Perhaps your thinking, your habits, or your priorities?


Having survived 365 days of this 366 Leap Year, I'm feeling awfully blessed!  You should too! A lot of horrific things happened this year and I don't have to recount them here to remind you of them.  But hey, look on the bright side, by God's grace we're still here!  That's why STEP ONE in getting ready for the coming year is to REFLECT on the good things that happened.   Here's a peek at my list!

1.  I lost some sweet Christians sisters and brothers this year (not all COVID related) BUT so many more survived and are committed to pray with me, stand by me, and encourage me no matter what happens in the next year! (Ecclesiastes 4:9) 

2.  I learned some key life lessons.  a) I really can be content with less! Less busyness in my life.  Less shopping. Less eating out.  b) Eyes tell you more than mouths! With everyone behind masks, focus is drawn to a person's eyes.  I now know if a person is glad to see me.  Is lying to me, or  impatient to leave a conversation. This keeps me from being rude, duped, or a pest! (Philippians 4:11-13; Matthew 13:16-17)

3. God really IS MY EVERYTHING.  How many times have I glibly said this! This year, I've lived out a great portion of God's Word in a real and tangible way! There is NOTHING that I needed that He has not provided! With Him, I'm never lonely! He's a friend closer than a brother! I've studied more, connected with Him and other Christians more, and learned more about myself!  This is what a trial will do for you if you surrender and I'm here to tell you I'm so thankful!  (Proverbs 18:24; Philippians 4:19)


When computer systems go down you can't get important and often essential things done. It is inconvenient and very frustrating!  Before calling the experts, you try everything in your personal trick bag but nothing works.  You've been here before.  You know exactly what the Pros will tell you.  SHUT IT DOWN, WAIT AWHILE and then REBOOT!

2020 caused major breakdowns in our world systems.  Through the Pandemic, God interrupted work, school, vacations, and businesses of every kind.  Nothing man did worked long term.  But what a blessing in disguise it was for those wise in the Lord!  This was a glorious opportunity to start fresh and declutter all the junk in our lives.  

So much of our routine is filled with things of no value or real purpose.  Shutting things down for awhile gives us an opportunity to take a look at the pit we've dug ourselves in and then ask the Lord to get us back on solid spiritual ground. 

The waiting part for some has been the worst!  Everybody is in a rush to get back to normal!  But what if the "normal" is what was killing you?  Preventing your healing? Destroying your relationships? Time is needed to figure out what is going wrong.   Time is also needed to develop a strategy to fix it.  If 2020 has taught you anything, it should have taught you that time is not always on your side. It is precious and we must use it wisely. (Ephesians 5:15-16)


Although, I'm separated physically from many members of my local church family, I've been blessed to study, praise and worship with them virtually (via live stream, teleconferences, zoom) every week.  This year however, technology has allowed me to connect more extensively. Over the past year,  I've fellowshipped with Christians in Florida, South Carolina, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Chicago, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, and Georgia. What a major reset to my thinking about service to God and others!

 We are all aware of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) Therefore go and make disciples (learners)  of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.  But most of us think of this as a missionary's calling and never take it literally.  God has workers EVERYWHERE!

We are also quite familiar with Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem (your hometown) and all Judea (surrounding regions) and in Samaria (undesirable locations) and unto the uttermost part of the earth. I've added my own emphasis here but the sentiments remain.  There is absolutely nothing that should prohibit our evangelizing, teaching, and serving...not even a Pandemic.  I realize that now having been a recipient this year!

Reflecting on God's Faithfulness, Resetting my Thinking and my Attitude are actions that make me look forward to Year 2021 and back in gratitude to Year 2020! 

If the Lord wills and I make it one more day to hear the clock strike one minute past Midnight, December 31,  I will be in the process of  Rebooting! Seeking God's Plan for me; Storing up His Word, and Sowing His love to all desperately in need!  



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Monday, December 14, 2020


A few people I’ve talked with tell me Christmas doesn’t feel the same this year with the pandemic and all!  They’re not exactly depressed but certainly in a more somber mood. 

Perhaps it’s because all the things they’re used to doing to make the season merry and bright have been halted, redirected, or postponed.  (I guess the Hallmark Christmas movies airing since October and the online shopping ads just aren’t doing it for them!)

Believe me, I get it!  Year 2020 has been unusual for sure.  Still, Christmas is still Christmas if you look at it from a different perspective--God’s perspective! I think it’s time to add Christmas Reality to our long list of New Normals!  Christmas is and always has been about the Birth of Jesus Christ –not all that frivolity, stress, and commercialism we’ve become used to. 

For me there’s no better way to do that than to celebrate the first Pandemic Christmas of our lifetime in song.  Something the Apostle Paul says we should be doing everyday! 

18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, 20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...(Ephesians 5:18-20)

I hope you have some of these favorites on your Christmas play list.  If you do, when they queue up consider these sentiments my personal gift to you and a sincere wish for our nation: 


...all is calm, all is bright..

🎁 - With 24 hour bad news bombarding our minds in regard to the election, coronavirus, and rioting, my gift to you is a time of quiet and reverent reflection.  Take a break from the general discord of the world.  Step out on your deck, breathe in the cool crisp air and thank God for the peace that He promises to bring if we would only look to Him!

...bearing gifts we traverse afar...

🎁 - Bible scholars believe more than three kings traveled from the east to honor the Savior but agree that among the many gifts given, three were rare and priceless at the time: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  The three gifts that I would love to give the rulers of our world today would be WISDOM, COMPASSION, and INTEGRITY! These are also rare. How wonderful it would be if our youth could again look at men and women of status and see these exhibited in their lives.  I think God is telling us during this pandemic season to stop looking at the White House, The Capitol, or Supreme Court for righteousness....but to Him and our own homes!

...joyful and triumphant...

🎁 - Many fellow Christians are fearful, sad, and defeated.  They are falling back from the frontlines of today's battles!  Where has our fighting spirit gone? Others,  are still bowing down to personal agendas in the name of the Lord, but impugn every scripture of love, righteousness, and justice. A gift of unity and boldness is what is needed this season.  The joy of the Lord is still our strength!

...the LORD is come. Let earth receive her king...

🎁 - The greatest gift you could ever receive is already here (John 3:16)!  It was not hidden under the tree but was hung prominently on a tree (Acts 5:30). Christmas lights could never outshine Him because He is the Light (John 8:12) and you will never walk in darkness again.  Your Christmas dinner table may be missing a few people this year but Christ promises us that one day you will dine at a full table, no masks, no social distancing and all will be sanctified!  All you have to do is accept His invitation:

Behold, I stand at the door and knock,
if anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in to him and eat with him, and 
he with me. (Rev. 3:20 ESV)

My Dear Sisters,  go ahead, put up your decorations,  dig out that ugly Christmas sweater,  and vibe out on your favorite Christmas tunes.  You don't have to be sad this Pandemic Christmas.  Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever and if He's your King,  He's also your JOY!!! 


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Monday, November 30, 2020

Science and God: Why the Quandary?

Shaking my head this morning! 

267, 596 Coronavirus deaths in the United States and 13,454,330 confirmed cases today and some Christians are still saying, "Don't believe the science!"

Coming from other sources, this would not be such a big deal and to be sure there have been times when scientists have really blown it!  But that's because they are mere humans and not the Originator of Science--God!

Earlier in the pandemic, everyone was trying to figure out what was going on with the virus. Denial and fear became pawns strategically placed on political chess boards.  But now that's all over (at least for most of us!) and vaccines are on the horizon.  You'd think such talk would subside.  Not hardly!

I never really understood the fuss! No one who'd ever really read the bible should doubt the validity of science.  Literally, from the beginning of God's Word (Genesis 2:4-25), we have evidence.  Of course Creationist and Evolutionist have their views (another needless argument).  But God Always Wins in the End!

From nothing, God created everything we know today! Theologians have a fancy word for it--ex nihilo.  Science at its best is only the intellectual study, observation and experimentation of what God has already created!  I learned this early in my childhood Sunday school class and it has been a point of fascination for me ever since. 

 People smarter than myself have spent years discussing whether science and religion are congruent.  If you have a few hours and brain cells to waste, go ahead.  Google the myriad of studies available online.  As for me, the greatest science book I've ever read is the Bible!  Specific bible passages that caught my attention and never fails to leave me in awe are from the book of Job and a couple from the Psalms.  


Job, like so many today was suffering from grief, loss of income, poor health, and depression through no fault of his own.  This prolonged suffering caused him to enter a crisis of faith.  After  listening to friends who offered no comfort; he began to justify himself before the Lord, complaining and asking questions (Job 33:19-28). 

In Job chapters 38-41, God answers these questions by opening His vast science book.  The Lord  had a few questions of His own.  Job immediately gets a crash course in the following scientific disciplines:

  • (Job 38:4-6, 18)  - Where were you with I laid the foundation of the earth? Who determined its measurements or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone. Have you comprehended the expansion of the earth?


  • (Job 38:12, 22-23, 26-29) - Have you commanded the morning since your days began and caused the dawn to know its place? Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail which I have reserved for the time of trouble. to bring rain on a land where no man is, on the desert in which there is no man...Has the rain a father or who has begotten the drops of dew? From whose womb did the ice come forth, and who has given birth to the frost of heaven? 


  • (Job 38:31-33)  - Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion?  Can you you lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season or can you guide the Bear with its children?  Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their rule on the earth?


  • (Job 41:1-34) -  Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook or press down his tongue with a cord? Can you put a rope in his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? Can you fill his skin with harpoons or his head with fishing spears?Who can open the doors of his face? Around his teeth is terror. His back is made of rows of shields shut up closely as with a seal. One is so near to another that no air can come between them.  They are joined one to another; they clasp each other and cannot be separated. 
Marine Biology
  • (Psalm 104:24-25) - O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.  Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great.
Genetics, Cell & Reproductive Biology, Gerontology

  • (Psalm 139-13-16) - For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. 


You see, there really is no conflict between science and religion or faith!  Science does not rule out the existence of a personal God even though many scientists are atheist or agnostic.
Still,  there are many like George Washington Carver, Louis Pasteur, and Sir. Francis Bacon who unashamedly proclaimed their faith in God.  One day, every atheistic scientist can have the empirical evidence demanded.  They only have to believe in the Ex Nihilo God!  If not, upon death it will be revealed, as written in  God's Great Science Book (I Corinthians 13:12).  Paul tells us that all the knowledge we possess now is only a dim reflection of what the Omniscient God will show us in His time...

For by Him were all things created,
that are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and invisible, whether they be
thrones, or dominions, or principalities,
or powers: all things were created
by Him, and for Him: And He
is before all things, and by Him all 
things consist.
(Colossians 1:16-17)


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Monday, November 16, 2020

A Tree Tells it All: The Roots of Hope are Laid Bare!


"Such is the destiny of all who forget
God; so perishes the hope
of the godless.  What he trusts in
 is fragile, what he relies on is a
 a spider web
He leans on his web, but it gives
way; he clings to it, but 
it does not hold.
He is like a well-watered plant in
the sunshine, spreading its
 shoots over the gardens;
it entwines its roots around a pile
 of rocks and looks for a place
 among the stones."

(Job 8:13-17)

Even though the seasons changed promptly from summer to fall and the anxiety-ridden general election took place as planned, hopes are still diminishing in our country. We've ceased wishing for normalcy.  I think we all know that things will never be normal again!  This is a new reality we are experiencing and ready or not we've just got to faith it through!

I'm not a doom and gloom kind of gal!  Really, I'm not but I must say that year 2020 has made me more of a realist than I thought possible.  This is not a bad thing!  Never before in my life have I leaned more on my faith than I have this year.  I've prayed more.  Studied my bible more.  Searched my heart more. And I've gotten in touch with the foundations of my Christian roots.

I've never doubted  God or my Christian faith, but there were times I wondered whether the bible teachings regarding the Christian's powerful influence in the world could really transcends these turbulent times.  I'm encouraged by the words of Jesus who says we can: You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. (Matthew 5:13)


Some Christians abandoned the tenets of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10) and the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) to align themselves with a particular political candidate.  Placing their trust not in God but a system, a party, or a well-worn yet disappointing ideology.  Standing by silently refusing to bring accountability in the face of wrong doing.  I've never witnessed such vitriol spewing from the lips of Saints when discovered they were on different sides of a hot issue! Or the escalation of violence and deaths in both urban and suburban communities.  Will the world still listen to our message of a loving Christ?


Christians have marched alongside hate groups, found comaraderie and a common purpose it seems for no other purpose than to satisfy selfish ambitions.  It is as if 2 Corinthians 6:14 was never written: Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? or What fellowship can light have with darkness? I wonder when in their Sunday sermons and daily bible devotions they come across these words of Jesus, if their hearts were pricked? You are the Light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5: 14-16)


Yes, times are troubling!  Exhaustion and hopelessness common among the people, but this is not the time to lose sight of God's purpose!  Our allegiance is to God and unity with those of like faith should be our goal not a obstacle!

God has laid bare the roots of our national sin: Greed, arrogance, idolatry, ingratitude, and injustice.  No matter how deeply it was buried beneath platitudes of patriotism, nationalism, and a form of evangelicalism that looks less and less like the bible every day! They are now exposed!

He has through the crises we are facing today shown us that it is time to get back to our TRUE CHRISTIAN ROOTS!

"He has showed you, O man, what is good . And what does the Lord require you? To act justly, and to love mercy, to walk humbly before your God." (Micah 6:8)

Presently, the Roots of Hope are showing a bit of wear.  Like the picture above, erosion is evident. Years of disobedience have caused them to become gnarled and dry but rejuvenation is coming. We serve a Resurrection God and He is faithful.  This pitiful tree will find its roots refreshed by the healing waters of God's Word, a tree planted by streams and yielding fruit in even this difficult season.  The Election is over. People are dying. Our children are watching. Let's get about finishing the work Christ left us to do while we still can: 

 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
 (Matthew 28:19-20)


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Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Shepherd NOT A Donkey or Elephant will Lead the Change Needed!

For months we've been inundated with ads, controversies, and antics surrounding America's coming election.   It's been touted as the most important election of our generation.  Record setting  early voting seems to prove that point!

A smattering of Independents are on the ballot, but the country is pretty much focused on the Republican and Democratic parties. One is represented by an Elephant and the other a Donkey.

My thoughts however,  tend to run toward a different pair of animals: The Sheep and the Goat!

Let me explain.

Watching the out workings of God speaking loudly into His world, I've been trained to look beyond what is seen to the unseen!  It hasn't been easy.  The distractions are endless.  Yet through a regimen of prayer, bible study, and current event research, I've gained a little understanding.  Not  just about what's happening in America but globally.  

I've stated in previous blog posts that I believe America is under the Lord's judgement and that we are living out End Times prophecy!  These are not the rantings of yet another Doomsday prophetess.  All that is really needed is a diligent study of Bible Eschatology!  

Like many, I've tried to make sense of the world we are experiencing.  From the bible, I've read the book of Daniel, studied the prophets, gleaned from the book of Judges and researched the leadership styles of Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, and Ahasuerus.  Each had a unique relationship with God's people.  I found a lot of parallels in my reading to our current government leaders and situations but only one solution.

It was when I reviewed the teachings of Christ in the Gospels that I found both a warning and a peace regarding the November 3rd election no matter what the outcome!  The task before America and the world at large is too big for either a Democrat or a Republican or any world leader for that matter.  To straighten this mess out we're going to need Someone more equipped...a Shepherd!


If nothing more, we should have learned by now not to put our trust in mankind.  The psalmist says, Put not your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. (Psalm 146:3). Still the weariness of soul tempts us to do just that and so it is with a measure of hope we look longingly to politicians for some much needed relief. 

Here are some concerns guiding voters this Election Day: 

1.  Economic stability

2.  Adequate Healthcare

3.  Immigration control and protection

4.  Social Justice and Equality 

Is this not what all the world craves? Here's what I've learned.  God has a plan for today's problems and concerns (Jeremiah 29:11).  It could be imminent or years away.  But until He makes it clear, why not develop a heart of preparedness--individually and as a nation. 

Christ speaks of a time of judgement when America (if we still exist) and every nation surviving the Rapture (I Thessalonians 4:15-17) and Tribulation period (Revelation 6:15-17) will give an accounting of their national response to people in need. This will happen just before the Millennial Kingdom (Revelation 20) where He will take over all governments and reign for 1000 years.

I found it interesting that the people in need were not relegated to a specific ethnicity, geographical location, religion or class.  They were just people who needed help

Read what Jesus says in the parable of the Sheep and Goats:


"The Son of Man will come again in His great glory.  All His angels will come with Him.  He will be King and sit on His great throne. All the people of the world will be gathered before Him.  Then He will separate them into two groups as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.  The Son of Man will put the sheep [good people] on His right and the goats [bad people] on His left.

Then the King will say to the good people on His right, 'Come, My Father has given you His blessing.  Come and receive the kingdom God has prepared for you since the world was made.  I was hungry and you gave me food.  I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink.  I was alone and away from home, and you invited me into your house.  I was without clothes, and you gave me something to eat.  I was sick, and you cared for me.  I was in prison and you visited me.

Then the good people will answer. 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you food? When did we see you thirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you alone and away from home and invite you into our house?  When did we see you without clothes and give you something to wear?  When did we see you sick or in prison and cared for you?  

Then the King will answer, ' I tell you the truth. Anything you did for any of my people here, you also did for me." (Matthew 25: 31-40 ICB)

No matter our failures (and we have many) God has certainly blessed America!  But have we been a good steward of these blessings? Are we as generous to others as God has been to us?  As we think about the policies that have been argued over the past years, the legislation that has been passed or thwarted. The systemic practices that  allow for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness....but only for a select few! 

Read the parable again! 
  • What would Jesus say about our current healthcare system?
In 2019,  9.2 percent of people, or 29.6 million, were not covered by health insurance  according to ACS.  Up from 8.9 percent and 28.6 million.  2019 Health insurance Coverage
  • What would Jesus say about about how we treat immigrants?
Parents of 545 children separated at the Brownsville, TX border near Mexico beginning in 2017 cannot be found. About 60 children were under he age of 5 when they were separated.  545 Children Separated From Parents
  • What would Jesus say about social justice and the equity of citizens in systemic biased social and economic producing institutions?
The blinders are off!  Denial is no longer possible!  The institutions built and sustained over decades for the elite, rich, and prosperous people of America is rife with historical practices of racial, economic, and gender inequities.  Systemic Racism and Injustice

The Day of Reckoning is Here!
 The Darkness is Exposed!
 Where will New or Existing leadership Lead us?
To a Greater Faith in Jesus Christ!


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Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Remember those funny little cartoon prophets  in white robes and long beards holding signs saying "Repent...The End is Near!!"?


 I'm a people watcher!  One of those weirdos who gets a kick out of watching the mannerisms, habits, and ways people (and sometimes animals) navigate situations when they think no one else is watching.  

As a long time observer of life, I enjoy seeing people express their particular views about what's happening around them.  Sadly, the pandemic has severely limited my field studies.   I'm no longer sitting around in large crowds for extended amounts of time peeping someone's game!

Instead from a distance, I can still speculate where a person stands politically, religiously, or culturally by  simply reading the messages printed on their clothing or signs posted in their yards.  Let me share a few of them here.


This person with one sign lets the world know how he feels about EVERY THING!  Their live and let live attitude is the answer to today's culture war going on. As you can see, there's a strong emphasis on equal rights and social justice.  In theory every statement on this sign feels right in spirit! It is tolerant, open-minded and in some ways even loving.  But it lacks context, boundaries, and a reliable standard of truth that could lead to dangerous thinking and actions.
It reminds me so much of two powerful scriptures in the Old Testament:  All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart. (Proverbs 21:2) The second one is even more revealing.  In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. (Judges 17:6; 21:25)

The social movements of our time, even those with justifiable motives, will never achieve their ultimate goals without a heart transformed and molded in a righteousness by God (John 15:5).  Even so, I find it sad that many protests starting out peaceful and law-abiding have been invaded by fringe groups pushing their own selfish agendas.  This has caused confusion and allowed hostile interventions that were not initially present creating more violence.


It's been a tough four years for America!  What we've had to endure has shaken the foundations of every belief system one can imagine. Not since the Civil War has there been so much chaos, divisiveness, and violent unrest in our nation.  Corruption continues to be exposed from the church house to the White house and our level of trust for governing authorities is at an all time low and still we look for hope in the wrong places!

Mind you, the vote is still a powerful tool in the hands of citizens and must be preserved at all cost in America!  God may in His unfathomable wisdom use it to stem the flow  of sin permeating our cities.   VOTE!  VOTE EARLY!  VOTE PRAYERFULLY!


True, we are in a battle for the soul of this nation and everyone would like to see America great in the eyes of the world again, but not because of our democracy, economy or status is at risk.  Not because our favorite candidate is elected! But by putting our faith in the ONE WHO IS ALREADY IN CHARGE!  Upon whose shoulders all governments rest (Isaiah 9:6)!

We are in jeopardy of losing a precious gift: GOD'S MORAL COMPASS that guides the decisions and actions of our earthly leaders.  Romans 13 says, the authorities that exist have been established by God (vs 1). They are God's servants (vs 4). He is the one who puts people in authority! And be sure we will all have to give an account one day(Romans 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10). That day somehow seems closer than we want to think. 


This sign found in a neighbor's yard shows the level of frustration people are feeling over current situations.  We can all relate.  Yet these generalized feelings of despair, unrest, and insecurity from the harshness and violence surrounding us are further signs that last days are near.  There is a greater need.  One that a job, healthy economy, equal rights, and personal power or pleasures won't satisfy!  WE NEED JESUS!


12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,
 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.


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Friday, September 4, 2020

ARE YOU TIRED YET? Try Some Goose Sense!

Follow my example, as I follow
the example of Christ
(I Corinthians 11:1 NIV)
Remember when children played outside and you had to make them come in the house? Yeah, me too!  Now it's the other way around.  You have to threaten bodily harm to get them out in the fresh air (can't put the cell phones and video games down)! And that was BEFORE the Pandemic!

One thing keeping me emotionally and physically stable as this virus goes on has been getting outdoors!  I walk or bike nearly every day.  Just me and Jesus bopping down the street trying to see what's new and interesting in the neighborhood. 

Today I saw this and thought I'd share a thought or two on how a simple scene in nature can impart a bit of wisdom and a clear perspectives on what's happening in the world today!


My apologies if the above video didn't play.  I'm still working on my social media skills, but hopefully you saw something that looked like this! Yep, it's those darn Canadian geese crossing the road again!  One right behind the other.   No pushing and shoving.  Falling right in line orderly and peaceful.  And their leader? He (or she) is patiently waiting until all make it to the other side! I think there's a lesson in that!

My Friends, if we're going to get to other side of the chaos we're experiencing today we need some good old fashion, goose sense!  Each day I think TODAY will be different!  Somebody will have learned to keep their mouth shut!  TODAY, someone will say ENOUGH!  It's not about politics, or whether the stock market is up or down, it's about people in pain!  TODAY, before I shoot, or choke, or maim another person....I'll just take a moment to see if there's another way to work this out. 

Follow the Leader was one of the games we'd play once we got out in that fresh air, I spoke of earlier.  I don't know if kids still play it, but I sure hope they're keeping it on the playground and not trying to imitate real  life!  Folks, We are in a Real leadership drought!

We're hard put to point to any facet of our society where sin and corruption has not infiltrated. Not an institution that has not traded its moral compass for greed and power.  And maybe that's exactly what our Omniscient God wants us to see...there's another way!

I saw it in the geese today.


  • GEESE ARE  LOYAL - Often mating for life, they are not swayed by selfish agendas. They have an innate purpose to fulfill and they stick with it.  Geese take turns leading. They live and survive as a unit keeping their mates and offsprings safe. 
  • GEESE ARE PROTECTIVE - Every gaggle of geese has a sentry or two that is on the look out for predators and when one comes near they warn the others by honking (sounding an alarm).  They do not leave their sick or injured behind, often delaying flight until they are able to continue with them. Their goal is to preserve life for another generation.
  • GEESE WORK AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER - We've all seen the iconic "V" formation of geese flying south for the winter.  It's not just a pretty design.  Forming this pattern reduces the energy needed to keep every goose in flight.  It assures that the trip is not too exhausting for any one of them. The leader rotates from front to back cheering and encouraging the others to keep going and maintain their speed on long flights. 

Winter is coming.  We need to prepare.

The next time you get down on your knees to pray, ask God to give you Spiritual Insight on how to survive. Where to place your loyalty. Who to depend on for sustenance and support.  FORGET ALL THIS NONSENSE...ASK GOD  FOR SOME GOOSE SENSE! 


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Monday, August 17, 2020

What I MISS About Church during the Pandemic...and A Few Things I DON'T!!

Forsake not the assembling of yourselves...
(Hebrews 10:25)
My church gradually opened up to attendees this past month and so far it's been going well! 
 It's still a bit strange for some. We have strict regimens in place, and although it's God's House, safety still comes first.  I'm so grateful to our leadership for that mindset!

The Attendees Feedback So Far?  lt has been a GREAT worship experience! 

I'm still worshiping from home via Live Stream, Zoom, Teleconferences, YouTube and any other means I can find to keep me connected to God's Word, fellowship and the prayer support of mature saints.  All are needed to ensure my continuous spiritual growth (Acts 2:42)

My Personal Feedback? It has been a GREAT worship experience! 

So, why is my faith being questioned because I'm not holding down a pew, six feet apart, masked up, waving to fellow parishioners across the sanctuary, one hour a week?  No one comes right out and says this, but we all know Church Folks are Masters of Innuendos! 


Church Folks not Christians, mind you, are the ones I'm referring don't get your panties in a must make the distinction. We all know that just because you go to church doesn't mean you believe or live out the Word that is taught there! (James 1:22)

I do miss fellowshipping with Mature Christians, but Church Folks?  Not so much!  Those are the ones who say: Please, please pray for ALL those who are STILL TOO AFRAID of the virus to come back to church!  OR, God is SOVEREIGN, if you're going to catch COVID-19, you might as well get it at church!  OR, the preacher and choir (both who have been faithfully ministering every Sunday for years, even on Sundays you thought nothing about missing) has NEVER PREACHED or PRAISED like this before!!! 

The use of excessive superlatives to describe the church service wasn't really meant to glorify God but ignite F.O.M.O. (Fear of missing out) in non-attendees.  If you sincerely miss traditional worship or feel a bit left out this my friend doesn't help. You could easily begin to experience false guilt for a decision you had every right to make for yourself.

There are two passages of scriptures that I'd like to share with True Christians, Church Folks, or Anyone who may be going through a faith attack during this Pandemic.  You're  probably familiar with both of them but a closer look may be helpful:

And let us consider one another in order to stir up
love and good works, not forsaking the assembling
of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but
exhorting one another, and so much the more as you
 see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Quoted often but usually out of context, the above scripture's emphasis is not so much about church attendance but falling away from a faith in Jesus Christ alone.  In this case, Jewish believers tempted to go back to Judaism because they thought the practices i.e., animal sacrifices, keeping rituals and the Mosaic law were essential to their salvation!

If anyone believes that a church service will save your soul or keep you holy, there's a bit more bible studying that needs to be done.  Preferably during the week before Sunday.  Yes, the church provides strength, accountability, and training through the Word of God but the great work of faith is done in your personal, private, and public life. (2 Peter 3:18)

Another point worth mentioning is the admonition to Christians to do three things whether in the church or not: (a) Stir up love; (b) do good works;  (c) exhort or encourage other Christians.  I don't know about your church but I've seen these three acts displayed consistently, even before the Pandemic.  Brothers and sisters outside the walls of the building, putting in the sweat equity of love to help others and glorify God in service! 

The third part of the verse speaks of encouraging other saints!   During this Pandemic when attending church services at my church, fellowshipping is prohibited once the service is over!  No time to meet and greet or have a casual conversation with a fellow saint. This again is a precautionary measure.  A team cleans and sanitizes between services to assure parishioners who come next have the confidence they need to enjoy their time of praise and worship.

No fellowshipping is allowed on the church grounds, but what a great time to call, FaceTime, send cards, drop off lunch or groceries to those still sheltering-in-place.  A quick chat with face mask on and social distancing in the open air, on a porch or in a driveway can be both safe and up lifting.  And don't  forget to pray before leaving!  God hears and answers virtual prayers every day, any where! 

The book of Romans, chapter 14 is another passage that bears a second look when the temptation comes to judge another Christians's faith:

Who are you to judge another's servant? To his own
master he stands or falls.  Indeed, he will be made 
to stand, for God is able to make him stand.
One person esteems one day above another, another
esteems every day alike.  Let each be fully convinced
in his own mind. (Romans 14: 4-5)

When, where, and how a Christian honors God in worship is a matter of conscience and sincerity of the heart.  The Lord alone determines what is acceptable and believe me if it is not pleasing, righteous, or in order, The Holy Spirit will let you know.  

One of the things that I don't miss about Sunday church service is the time wasted on deciding what to wear!  I was raised like many of you to look your best when going to the Lord's house. Not necessarily fashionable, but clean, pressed and with clothes that are modest and fit well.  So, I admit, I care how I look and don't just throw anything on! 

Now that I'm worshipping at home I can be a bit more casual, and I have to admit if not careful will get too casual (I'm working on that!) But in my mind, I'm still in the Lord's presence and act and dress accordingly! Still, there are some things that I don't miss while staying home. 

I don't miss Church Folks mean mugging me, when I accidentally sit in their preferred seat at a different service!  Or use their purse, bible, coat and/or children to save a pew seat for  family and friends who are late every Sunday! 

I don't miss the distraction of undisciplined children and adults who talk, text, and check their email during praise and prayer!  I know it's so because with a quick glance you can see it!  When did bible apps start using emoji's ???

I don't miss going up for Altar prayer, and holding the hand of someone who squeezes too tight when praying, talks so loud you can't hear the preacher leading, and almost asphyxiates me with too much cologne or perfume. 

I do miss pausing at the pew of some sweet senior saint before service, letting them know how well they look and showing them love with a hug or encouraging word in person.  I miss shaking the hands of the deacons or my pastor after service. 

 I miss the testimonies in Wednesday bible class and the thought provoking questions asked, that cause me to think deeply on God's Word and help me learn from those who have been victorious in their trials. And stopping by the church secretary's desk on my way out for a piece of candy and a quick chat. 

 I miss my Sunday school ladies, hugging them, playfully teasing them, and hearing what they have been up to since the last time I saw them.  I miss taking their prayer requests and making visuals to use when teaching God's Word and watching their faces, when the Holy Spirit gives them an Ah-hah moment!

I don't miss the morning traffic and trying to find a place to park at church, where my car will be safe from the dings and dents of careless church goer's late and rushing to worship! 

Everybody keeps talking about the New Normal!  This might be it!  So what is the Lord telling us about worship now and in the days to come?  I think perhaps He's saying something akin to what He said to the Woman at the Well when she said:  

Our fathers worshipped on this mountain and you
Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where 
you ought to worship.
Jesus said to her, "woman, believe me the hour
is coming when you will neither on this mountain nor 
in Jerusalem worship the Father....
But the hour is coming and now is, when true worshippers
will worship the Father in spirit  and truth; for the
Father is seeking such to worship Him. 
(John 4: 21 and 4:23)

It's time to put away all the false ritualist ideas and traditions that confine us to a church building and focus on doing the work of Him that has sent us (John 9:4). This you can do wherever you are!  Together Apart as that COVID-19 hash tag says,  we can build God's kingdom and worship Him confidently in Spirit and in Truth!


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Monday, August 3, 2020


"Ye though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death..."(Psa. 23:4)
An interesting observation I've made this year has been that there are multiple interpretations of the statement:  Black Lives Matter! What was once an inspiring and positive message against violence has now actually incited violent acts. 

When did this phrase become so offensive?  Offensive not only to indignant white people but black folks as well.   I thought I knew what BLM meant. After all, the expression has been around since 2013 when George Zimmerman was acquitted of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

It was the brain child of three young women of color to protest the growing violence and deaths of black men by police without retribution.  Repeat occurrences in 2014 against Eric Garner and Michael Brown made national headlines but so many others didn't.  The Armand Arbery and George Floyd murders this year was the ultimate tipping point.  These murders united people of diverse backgrounds and brought to light injustices of every kind in a way never seen before. 


Black Lives Matter is now a global rally cry for people of color anywhere bias exists whether it relates to economic empowerment, gender differences, or sexual identity.  And as such it has also become a lightning rod for those who are pro police or have strong aversions to the LGBTQIA communities, feminism, and anything that challenges the conservative status quo.

Thus,  All Lives Matter becomes a popular retort.  Much like the push backs heard when the term African-American  became popular (We're All Americans!) Or the celebration of Black History Month (History is History!)  BUT IS IT?  Those who denounce the need for such know little about life in America as an Other [anything other than a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant that's been dominating America for decades]. What is so discouraging is that profound DISTINCTIONS MUST BE MADE before visibility is possible! One MUST step out of the shadows to get rights, justice, or recognition that comes so easily to some! 


This has been our path for centuries:
  •  1794 - Richard Allen and Absolom Jones stepped out of the shadows of the mainstream Episcopal church to form the African American Episcopal Church and the Black Episcopal Congregation to practice their faith free of the underpinnings of racism.
  • 1837 - Richard Humphreys stepped out of the shadows of the America's education system to start The Institute For Colored Youth, training for free blacks to become teachers prior to Civil War.
  • 1864 -(Post Civil War)  - HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) stepped out of the shadows of segregation to provide proper education for newly freed slaves after Reconstruction failed.
  • 1909 - W.E.B. Dubois and others stepped out of the shadows of a apathetic Department of Justice to form the N.A.A.C.P.  (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), to ensure rights and combat violence against people of color in America. 
  • 1926 - Historian, Carter G. Woodson stepped out of the shadows of Traditional history taught in schools to institute Black History Month to tell the real story of the Negro's achievements and contributions to America's wealth and status.   
I could go on and on! ALL LIVES DO MATTER. I know it from history. I know it from current events, but I also know it from Elohim,  Creator of the Living and the TRUTH He inspired.  It would do each side of the Black Lives Matter movement (Pro and Con) to remember:
  • ALL LIVES HAVE VALUE!  (Psalm 139:13)
  • ALL LIVES HAVE SINNED! (Romans 3:23)
  • ALL LIVES CAN BE SAVED!  (John 3:16)
  • ALL LIVES WILL BE JUDGED! (Hebrews 9:27)


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