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"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." (I Peter 4:10) |
The Bible study was a sequel to a March church event sponsored by our Health and Women's ministry. An exposition and forum featuring experts gave attendees holistic approaches to our mental, physical and financial health. We were informed! We were enlightened! But we needed just a little more motivation! Where would we find it? Not surprisingly, in The All-Encompassing Word of God!
The Apostle Peter says this: His (God's) divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having expected the corruption that is in the world through lust.
(I Peter 1:3-4)
Sisters, when it comes to living the abundant life, Christ promises in John 10:10, we must consider what makes us different than God's other creations--Our Emotions! As God's relational rulers of the world, we have unique strengths in nurture and relationships and can experience emotions in a very intense way! So is this a Blessing or a Curse!? Let's explore that idea!
Emotions are a Gift from God!
James 1:17 reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. Humans are the pinnacle, the crown of all that God created (Psalm 8:5) and with that royal position comes heavy responsibilities and accountability! Who but mankind can enjoy the relationship we have with Almighty God. We can speak to Him; feel His presence, and He even shares His secrets with us (Psalms 25:14)!
Emotions are Powerful and Must Be Controlled!
Much like dynamite or nitroglycerin, our emotions are fragile and can become explosive! When sin entered the world it tainted all that God created and certified Very Good (Genesis 1:31). This included emotions residing deep within our human nature (Romans 5:12). Therefore, we were forced into a battle between God's intended good and Satan's evil purposes (Genesis 50:20). Driven by our thoughts, desires, and beliefs we're in a brutal but not hopeless battle. Still, this fight takes incredible Spiritual Energy!
Emotions Need an Outlet!
When ignited, emotions have to go somewhere! Even the negative ones! We just have to make sure they end up in the right place. We do ourselves no favor when we pretend we don't feel what we feel! Culturally, the world has distorted God's design for human emotion: Men are not supposed to cry! Women are too emotional! People show strength when they suffer in silence! If it feels good do it! Any of these taken out of proper context can lead to devastating effects. That's why we need to count the cost (calculate the consequences) for the emotional energy we expend in all situations!
Emotions have a Cost
The subject of stewardship (using and managing resources for the glory of God) generally comes about when talking of tithing or some type of giving in the church! We are cautioned about where and how we spend our money. But it goes way beyond that. It covers all of God's gifts: Time, Money, Talents, Health, Relationships, Energy, Climate, Information. Everything we have as an asset is gifted to us and GOD OWNS IT ALL! (Psalms 24:1-2) Like everything, all mentioned have a cost and if abused or used neglectfully can be very expensive!
1. ANGER: Jobs/careers (yours or your family's); friends, or even loss of life
2. JEALOUSY: A precious relationship; your integrity, bondage to unhealthy behaviors
3. ANXIETY: Physical health issues and mental disorders of every kind
4. STRESS: All of the above and can Spiritually put you in a free-fall of hopelessness and depression
Negative Emotions Can Be Redirected!
(The Word of God is the best resource for developing a plan to steward and manage our emotions.)
Although the word emotion never occurs in the bible, there are many examples given of its positive and negative results. Unlike many self-help manuals or therapeutic regimens, Emotional Redirection begins with a Change of One's mindset and conforming it to Christ's (Philippians 2:5; Romans 12:2). We then move to a more effective course in Behavior Modification: The Put off and Put on Principle (Ephesians 4:22-24). We finalize with a Maintenance Program of Prayer, Praise, and regular Power Fillings of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16; 5:22)
All of America seems to be on a Health Kick! Work Out, Eat Plant Base, Fast, and Sleep More! Yet, we are STILL one of the most Emotionally Unhealthy countries in the world. Without a doubt we are the most violent and our current government officials in shameful disarray!
These are God-Size Problems to be sure! But we can help by taking care of ONE of them!!! Ourselves! Let's commit to getting Emotionally Healthy and then Pass it On to Others! Not to do so is ….
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If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR scroll to the bottom of my blog page at http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.