Monday, February 10, 2014

Why A Marriage Boot Camp?

"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears her down." (Proverbs 14:1)

This week begins what our dear pastor is calling, Marriage Boot Camp Week! For one hour, each evening for five straight days, We will engage in intensive prayer, scripture, and teaching to help strengthen our marriages.The timing is  PERFECT. With brutal attacks on Traditional Marriage by outside forces and the rise of divorce among Christians. It's Time To Battle! (Ephes. 6:10-18) 

Let me tell you why after 43 years of marriage I've decided to go!  It wasn't an easy choice. My husband and I don't attend the same church so we rarely worship together. I dread being one half of a couple. We're also very comfortable in our marriage.  We've a strong commitment based on faithfulness and respect.  Battling years of  marital storms  you just figure you''ll be together "until death do us part." Finally, after seeing so many jacked up relationships (random hook-ups, same-sex, freaky sex, open, down-low),  although not perfect.we surely couldn't do any worse than those!! Yet, for these reasons and more I feel compelled to go...even as the song goes..."If I have to go  by Myself."  

1. Every marriage is worth fighting for if you truly "love" your mate.  But you've got to have the          right weapons.  Boot camp is for TRAINING!  

2. Never take your marriage or mate for granted...people and things change in a moment. 
     Marriages have seasons, you need to know them and how to flourish when they change. 
     Boot camp is for PLANTING AND GROWING!

3.  If you want to thrive and survive in marriage we need check-ups, tune-ups and often
     "total overhauls" in our thinking about ourselves, our spouses, and other people 
       who might impact our relationship.   Boot Camp is for NURTURING!

So Here's the Deal...This Wise Woman is on her way to Boot Camp ... My house could use a few more repairs... How about Yours?


  1. My husband and I attended the Marriage Boot Camp tonite. It was awesome to see so many couples and hear the testimonies. Looking forward to the rest of the week and what is going to do. Thanks

    1. Could you see me "beaming," my hubby coming was a Totally Awesome Surprise..Prayer Works!!

  2. Great insight Sis. Betts!! I thoroughly enjoyed day one and looking forward to tonight! I was totally unaware that you had a blog but I will continue reading! I always appreciate your words of wisdom.

    1. Kristen..thanks so much for's my way of trying to stay plugged into the lives of my young sisters...anxious to hear what you and others have to say!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My husband and I have weathered all the seasons and after discussion last evening we are in the Spring season again enjoying it , I encourage everyone to partake of the marriage bootcamp regardless of what season your in .There is always room to refresh, renew and rededicate ourselves to God and each other in the covenant that we made .Hope to see you at the EMBC Marriage Bootcamp

    1. Sister Girl....You can tell! You both have done the hard work, don't be weary in well doing!!

  4. I really had planned to be there. No I'm not married. I thought about when a young lady said to me "three times you been married it should only take one time." She wasn't very tactful either. I was new to embc, sitting at a table full of young married couples. I suddenly felt so out of place. Anyway, this is for that person also. Yep, I was there the first night in the prayer room.

    1. Be Encouraged...Never let any one's expectation rise above God's. Your past does not predict your future...thanks for praying...we felt it!!!
