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Hear, my son your father's instruction and forsake not your mother's teaching Prov. 1:8 (ESV) |
And sadly, we find her modern-day sisters here too! They are in cities notoriously known as: Kill-adelphia, Nap-ghanistan, and Chi-raq. Their tear stained faces flash across our television screen daily. Their haunting presence in criminal court rooms all over America quietly watching and praying for a change! We know her as...
THE VIGILANT MOTHER ( Judges 13:1-14)
The back story of this well known Bible saga is not generally emphasized in movies about Samson. Usually his relationship with Delilah is the focus. But read Judges 13-16 and get the rest of the story! You'll find an incredibly insightful and grateful mom driven to distraction by a strong willed and rebellious son!
Samson, the Bible hero of Israel was the kind of child that kept his parents up all night wondering what he was up to! Although he was a Son of Destiny, called from the womb to be a Nazarite (sanctified, set apart for God's use); he was not immune from sin.
As a young adult, he was wanton, hot tempered, and was known to visit prostitutes. But get this! He was raised by a mother who did everything by the book! She was God-fearing. Although barren for many years, unlike Sarah, she did not use a surrogate to become a mother. She was spiritually discerning. She knew when God was talking to her and she obeyed without hesitation. She set a godly example before her child. And in spite of it all, for twenty years she watched her child make mistake after mistake.
She watched, believed, and prayed long enough to see Samson finally fulfill God's destiny for his life! And you can too! So let's take a page from the Vigilant Mothers Handbook. When your children insist on living on the edge and refuses to heed your pleas, here's what you can do!
- P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens) - I Thess. 5:17
- Keep watching for opportunities to give wise counsel - Prov. 1:8
- Don't waver in the belief that God will bring good things out of this - Gal. 6:9
- Let God's Word keep you encouraged -Ps. 119: 92
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If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR scroll to the bottom of my blog page at http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com click on the no comments by the pencil and it will change to a writing space.