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For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face (I Corin. 13:12a) |
Here's a tune that comes to mind as you sit in God's Waiting Room! I know it has for me a time or two. Inquisitive by nature, I'm known to ask questions about things I desire a deeper knowledge about and for the most part with a little research I can find answers that satisfy my curiosity, I tell you sisters, Google is a wonderful tool!
However, there are some questions that Google can't answer. Learned people can't provide it, and even experience falls short of a satisfactory answer. Questions that only you and God talk about lest others would think you stupid, naive, or at the very least, unspiritual! So you commit these things to prayer...but what if God doesn't answer?
First, if you are a Believer in Christ, God hears all our prayers (He's just not obliged to respond the way we want Him to!) Proverbs 15:8 tells us that He delights in the prayers of His children. He also invites us to come boldly to His throne and make our requests known (Hebrews 14:6). So it's not a matter of Him not hearing, He is omniscient after all, but whether our prayers meet the right parameters. There could be other factors to consider.
We may be hindering the answers to those oh, so important questions: When we hide iniquity (sin) in our hearts (Ps. 66:18); God hides His eyes from us and our circumstances (Is. 1:15)! Dealing with personal, unconfessed sin is a bigger priority in God's eyes than our prayer requests!
Something else, the Bible teaches: Our prayers must line up with God's will (I John 5:14) and we need to ask with the right motives (James 4:3) I believe God answers every prayer in one of four different ways: YES! NO! WAIT! and YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER!
Now getting back to those unanswered questions! The problem is not God but us! Often when we ask God the big WHY question it's not because we really want to know the reason but we want Him to let us in on His itinerary! His timing! His plans now and in the future! Let me tell you why He doesn't share these things:
1. These are Secret things, reserved for the Trinity (Deu. 29:29). Stop worrying about what you don't know...work on what you do! We've got 66 books that show us God's plan for our lives, now that's good place to start!
2. It's Really None of our Business! (Acts 1:7-8) One of the last things Jesus told His disciples when they asked when He would restore the kingdom, was that it was not for them to know the times or season for this is under the authority of the Father
3. God is merciful! Frankly, we're way out of our league, trying to handle things in God's In Box! Man's limitation is no match for God's infinite wisdom! (Exodus 15:11)
Now here's the Number One reason God doesn't always answer our questions...HE WANTS US TO TRUST HIM! He created us with free will, the power to make choices. He wants us to choose to trust Him even when we can't trace His hand or understand what He's doing! He takes us often from the Prayer Room, to the Waiting Room, but one day we'll be in our Heavenly Home and there...Trusting in the Lord, and according to His Word, We'll understand it better by and by!
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If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR scroll to the bottom of my blog page at http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com click on the no comments by the pencil and it will change to a writing spac
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