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From one man He made every nation of men...(Acts 17:26) |
These innocent ones speak a truth that we seemed to have missed or chose to dismiss these past months....we're more alike than unalike! Considering all that is going on you'd think that would be obvious!
People of all ethnicities, in every corner of the world are burying their dead from COVID-19. Apparently there's no racial disparity with this disease. They are feeling the pain of social unrest and the indignation of systematic injustices permeating our world. Even the Aboriginals of Australia are protesting!
I recall seeing the spattering of whites marching with civil rights leaders in the 1960s but nothing like a recent scene in Oregon on the Burnside Bridge where there were thousands! This happened in a state with a black population of less than 6%.
Americans, no matter which hyphen you use to identify yourself, are suffering from the impact of a floundering economy. I'm speaking in general. Let's not get bogged down with degrees! Small and large businesses are shutting down. Unemployment is a new reality for many and the homeless community just welcomed an onslaught of new neighbors! We're more alike than you think!
Science has finally caught up to the bible which always told us that all of mankind comes from Adam and Eve. Eve's name means the Mother of All Living (Genesis 3:20) or in human genetics, the Mitochondrial Eve. The matrilineal most recent common ancestor of all living humans. Through each of our current mothers regardless of ethnicity or gender we have the same progenitor. We're all brothers and sisters!
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. (Genesis 1:27-28 NIV)
Hatred between brothers and sisters is an age old problem. The root emanates not solely from perceived superiority, power or the need to dominate but something we inherited at the Fall of Humankind, our Sin Nature (Genesis 3; Roman 3:11, 23; 6:23). It is genetic! It is generational! It is self perpetuating until it is completely eradicated!
A biblical example that has been repeated throughout history is the story of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-16). Two brothers, each uniquely gifted with unlimited potential. Brothers strong and growing in their confidence as men. Yet one brother is distracted by innate pride and kills the other. Black on Black Crime, White on White Crime, Black on White Crime, Police on Citizen Crime. It goes on and on! The pivotal question asked in verse 9 of this biblical text is: Am I my brother's keeper? In the 21st century we're asking the same. Only your heart will tell you!
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. (Genesis 1:27-28 NIV)
Hatred between brothers and sisters is an age old problem. The root emanates not solely from perceived superiority, power or the need to dominate but something we inherited at the Fall of Humankind, our Sin Nature (Genesis 3; Roman 3:11, 23; 6:23). It is genetic! It is generational! It is self perpetuating until it is completely eradicated!
A biblical example that has been repeated throughout history is the story of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-16). Two brothers, each uniquely gifted with unlimited potential. Brothers strong and growing in their confidence as men. Yet one brother is distracted by innate pride and kills the other. Black on Black Crime, White on White Crime, Black on White Crime, Police on Citizen Crime. It goes on and on! The pivotal question asked in verse 9 of this biblical text is: Am I my brother's keeper? In the 21st century we're asking the same. Only your heart will tell you!
The writer of Hebrews 9:27 says: And it is appointed unto man once to die but after this the judgement. It seems that especially now we should be considering exactly where we are going with all this mayhem? Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us:We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools! And perishing we are... in great numbers! JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING! Sinner or Saint there WILL be a time of reckoning for these times (Romans 2:5-6; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 20:11-15).
No doubt when (and if) we get back to professional sports events like the NFL football games, we'll see people geared up in their favorite team colors with different signs and placards of another sort on display. Among them will be a few touting JOHN 3:16. We've all seen them right? It's a scripture from the bible! Don't have a bible? GOOGLE IT! Don't have time to do that?--Read it below. It gives the ONLY solution to the injustices of this world:
If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR scroll to the bottom of my blog page at http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com click on the no comments by the pencil and it will change to a writing space.
No doubt when (and if) we get back to professional sports events like the NFL football games, we'll see people geared up in their favorite team colors with different signs and placards of another sort on display. Among them will be a few touting JOHN 3:16. We've all seen them right? It's a scripture from the bible! Don't have a bible? GOOGLE IT! Don't have time to do that?--Read it below. It gives the ONLY solution to the injustices of this world:
For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten son, that whosoever
believeth on Him shall not perish but have
everlasting life! (John 3:16)
Take a closer look at those five year olds in the link at the beginning of this post. Is it becoming a bit clearer now? They really ARE twins!
Not everything that is faced can be changed,
but nothing can be changed until it's faced
-James Baldwin
If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR scroll to the bottom of my blog page at http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com click on the no comments by the pencil and it will change to a writing space.