Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Photo image from Unsplash
What is so intriguing about a secret? Is it the delicious power of knowing something only you or a few know? Does it create an exclusive bond of trust with another?  Or maybe it just makes you feel special?

 Knowing and keeping secrets from a human perspective can lead to negative and sometimes dangerous consequences. But this is not so when the One who holds the Secrets can be Totally Trusted!

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deuteronomy 29:29)

God is the Ultimate Secret Keeper!  Even those who won't acknowledge Him will agree! For there are some things that Believers and Non-believers share when it comes to wondering about the Secret Things of God!   Such As..

  • God is both Transcendent and Immanent: God cannot be understood or seen physically in our natural and finite state.  He is invisible and no one can see Him and live. (John 4:24; Exodus 33:20) Yet, He IS knowable!  He dwells and is ever present within us with His Spirit. (I Corinthians 3:16; Acts 17:27-28) In the spirit we are empowered, strengthened and comforted by His presence. He is never far away from His children!
  • He has No Beginning and No End: God is Self-existent.  He was not created not even in the minds of others (as some would have you believe).  He is Sovereign and is not dependent on any one other than Himself.  He exists solely for His own purposes and will be so for eternity.  (Colossians 1:16-17)
  • His Wisdom is beyond our understanding: Even the knowable parts He reveals will cause us to scratch our heads!  Some things we just won't understand. That is why our relationship with God is built on FAITH.  We just have to Trust Him! (Isaiah 55:8-9; Hebrews 11:1)
  • The Universe: Man estimates that the observable universe has at least two trillion galaxies. Our earth is located on the Milky Way and is just one of them!  So, could there be life then on other planets?
  • The Human Body: The adult body has about five liters of blood circulating through it continuously. It also has an average of five million pores (tiny holes) in the skin that allows it to breathe and rids the body of toxins. Yet there's never a leak of that blood or any blood loss at all unless an injury occurs from the outside. How could this be?
  • Plant Life: A mustard seed is only 1-2 millimeters in diameter (a pencil dot) but can produce a tree 2.7 meters tall (2,700 times its size). Who but God could do this?
  • Why an All-Powerful God allows Evil (Romans 8:28) 
  • How One Man's death secures the Salvation of uncountable souls throughout generations (Romans 5:12)
  • What happens during physical death ((I Corinthians 15:55-58)
  • When Christ is coming back (Matthew 24) 
You may have noticed that no commentary, only scripture is given for this last section.  This is because man is STILL grappling with these questions and God is showing us the only place an answer can be found and the only ones He will share it with!

The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and He will shew them His covenant.  (Psalm 25:14)



If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the no comments by the pencil and it will change to a writing space  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

There's Nothing Like the Feeling of 'NEW'!

 I am of the generation that still appreciates things that are new!  Southern born from a family of ten children, we didn't always have the luxury of buying or wearing things straight from the manufacturer.

I guess that's why I still love the smell of a new car; the comfort of a brand new mattress, or the sound of new appliances doing their thing, softly and efficiently.  

Not new as in cheap or artificial. There's plenty of that kind of stuff.  Things quickly made to satisfy the desire to look rich without paying the price. But that which is authentic, long lasting and of the highest quality.

The greatest example of the Newness I'm referring to is when the Lord led me to this particular Bible verse early in my Christian life:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Although, I am no longer deprived of new things materially, I am STILL in awe of my God Who allows me to experience this new feeling spiritually.

πŸ’š NEW MERCIES that awaken me each morning - Click Here

πŸ’š NEW FORGIVENESS for my sins  - Click Here 

πŸ’š NEW NATURE controlling my attitudes and lusts  -Click Here

πŸ’š NEW HOPE in times of discouragement and despair - Click Here

As Christians we should never forget the wonder of our salvation experience! Like children who devalue and discard an item as soon as the newness wears off we become satisfied with the  artificial when the genuine is right at hand

Instead we should approach each day and each blessing as a season of newness in our life. Our God is about making things Brand New! He doesn't refurbish or renovate.  He completely changes us from the inside out. 

Are you STILL thirsting for the FAKE when you can have the REAL DEAL my friend? Here's another reminder from God's Word:

Ask the Lord for rain in the spring, for He makes the storm clouds. And He will send showers of rain so every field becomes a lush pasture. (Zechariah 10:1)


If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the no comments by the pencil and it will change to a writing space