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- THE LORD'S PERMISSIVE WILL: What God Allows or Permits! Because He is Sovereign this can look and feel to us like a double edged sword - blessings and curses. And in many ways puzzling. Yet as His child each experience is covered in love. He controls it all. "Nothing comes to you that has not passed first through His Nail-Scarred hands." CLICK HERE: Romans 8:28-29
- THE LORD'S PRECEPTIVE WILL: What God Desires! His revealed will to mankind is first found in His Word (Precepts). CLICK HERE:Deuteronomy 29:29 Do you want to know who you are? What is your purpose? How to please Him? It is all in the Word of God and we can faithfully follow it because "The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you."
- THE LORD'S PROVIDENTIAL WILL: What God Overrules to Accomplish His Purposes! One thing we can be assured of even in these uncertain times is that God can overrule evil. In fact, He's already done it! (We just haven't seen it manifested to our liking yet.) In the Garden of Eden, Satan plotted to block the salvation of sinful mankind! He thought he had the power, the knowledge, and the army to do it. BUT JESUS foiled all his plans! CLICK HERE: Genesis 3:15 Our salvation was sealed shortly after sin came into the world and this only because God willed it so. "HE" decided to give us another chance! So go ahead, set some goals, make a plan, write it down, work at it, but take heed...
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