Tuesday, October 15, 2024


photo courtesy of kiy-turk on Unsplash
 During my life I've been called many things. So have you.  But do they really express Who You Really Are? 

When you think about it, ever since we were born we've been creating a paper trail of labels placing us in a box or category to suit someone's idea of who we are or should be!  We've even done it to ourselves as we seek to carve out of this deeply flawed world some unique identity!

  I pray there will come for you as it has for me a time when all these other labels no longer matter! When it's not necessary to create a label, check a box, wear a graphic tee shirt or carry a placard validating your existence!  When you are totally secure in the Only Identity That Matters - Your identity in Christ!  

Our Lord and Savior Jesus challenged His followers even as He challenges us today with this question in Matthew 16:  Who Do You Say I Am?  Click Here:  We need to do it EVERYDAY! 

Here are some reasons:

1. CULTURE - The world is relentless in confusing and distracting us from our central purpose for existence -- to bring the Light of Truth to this dark world  of sin and chaos.  Click Here:

2. HYPOCRITS - Be careful of what you justify in the Name of the Lord! To be labeled intolerant  is better than the guilt of putting a body and soul in eternal jeopardy.  Click Here:

3. CHRIST HATERS - Because Christians in America do not suffer as those in other countries we've become lulled into a false sense of comfort and safety.  What we have NOW will not always be. The Enemy comes as an angel of light but do not be fooled!   Click Here:

4. SCRIPTURE VIOLATORS - A smooth tongue and charismatic personality lured Adam and Eve into sin.  Works of the flesh that still hold many seasoned Christians under the spell of proclaimed wisdom.  We must not be duped! Click Here:

The path of a Christian is one that will be consistently Misunderstood and Undermined by those who want to remain in the darkness of their sin!  Every day we must reorient ourselves to the Truth  of Who We Are In Christ : Our Purpose, Our Core Values, Our Character, Our Priorities!  

The identity the world gives can be stolen, duplicated, and even sold to bad actors anywhere in the world.  Advanced technology can place your facial image and credentials in places that you'll never visit.  This is not so with your Identity in Christ. There are no duplicates of YOU in the Body of Christ! Your credentials are divinely secure: Confirmed in Scripture, Validated in Eternity, and Verified in Every Experience you've ever had from physical birth to your New Birth in Christ!  That's why we must fight to reclaim what others are trying to steal, but in the process...

    We Will Be Labeled Many Things:




But if you concur we can tell them all, 

If you must label me... Label Me Blessed!!!


If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Who's Your Daddy, Now!?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
  I can't tell you how much I hated the slang phrase: "Who's your Daddy!" Maybe because the source was usually some big mouth braggart trash talking after beating an opponent! 

 Maybe because of the Daddy issues in my own life or the way it conjured up memories of abusive situations against women that I have known! 

In any case you can imagine how I felt the first time I heard a Sister in Christ  refer to Jesus in a heartfelt and sincere prayer as her Daddy! It knocked me off my chair! 

How dare she speak of my Holy and Magnificent Lord in such a common way reducing Him to the level of vulgarity heard on many sin infested streets of society...UNTIL... I did my own research! Here's what I found!

True enough, Who's Your Daddy,  does have a sordid historical context as far back as 1681 according the the Historical Dictionary of American Slang.  Sex workers used it in conversations among themselves to identify which Pimp or Madame they belong to! It morphed over time into modern usage defining unbiblical relationships, such as same-sex couples to identify the dominant partner.  Today the phrase is used ignorantly, innocently or affectionately but can still carry a nefarious meaning.  

But getting back to that Sister in Christ!  She Got It Right!  According to Scripture God is our Daddy!  And now I've got proof!


Abba, is an Aramaic word with Semitic roots that means Father,  Dad, or even Papa.
God became our Father, through our Spiritual Adoption into the Body of Christ. As in our family of origin, a child is related through the parents even if adopted, legally possessing the standing and rights of all other siblings in the family unit.  We are joint heirs with Christ sharing in the love that God has for His only begotten Son, Jesus.  God has no Bonus or Step children!  CLICK HERE: Romans 8:15-17

When Jesus prepared Himself for the agony of the cross His thoughts were not only for what He was going to do for us (pay the ultimate sacrifice for our sins) but the separation He would endure from His Abba Father! Jesus's cry of despair was more than a child crying for Daddy in the dark when they are afraid! More than pleading for help when we find ourselves in trouble! It denotes both intimacy and obedience.  This elevates the term to a much higher meaning than commonly used even among Christians for the piece that is often missing when we say it is our commitment to total surrender to God's authority in our life.   CLICK HERE: Mark 14:34-36   

Those who are saved have a second chance for the Perfect Father we always wanted!  Perhaps you've always yearned to be a "Daddy's Girl" but was denied the chance. You might not even know who your biological father is! It is a fact that Father-Daughter relationships are crucial to the emotional and spiritual development of a woman! It affects how we see ourselves and how much or little we allow others to shape us into an image of their own desires!

Given the importance, the Apostle Paul gives Christians three crucial reminders:

1. Our full identity and personhood is fulfilled in God through Christ. No need to look further! 
2.  God sees us as His child and we have access to every resource Christ has. Claim it!!
3.  Because we are legally and spiritually his children God  gives us the experiences of His Son, joy, pain, worth, eternality in spirit!  CLICK HERE: Galatians 4:5-6

I pray that you have come to understand the wonderful relationship described above. That you can finally say,  I am a Daddy's Girl!!!  That like me,  my desire is to always please my Father, and although disappointment cannot be avoided know that His love won't waiver one bit when I do! 

Who's "Your" Daddy?!


If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

JUNETEENTH: "Delayed But Not Denied!


"Who the Lord sets 
free is free indeed..."  

(John 8:36)

🎵We've come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, trusting in His Holy Word, He's never failed us yet..Oh, Oh, can't turn around, we've come this far by faith!🎵

There's something about these old Gospel songs that not only take us back  to our spiritual roots but also reminds us of our historical ones! Albert A. Goodson, the author of this wonderful hymn was a musician in the Pentecostal faith far from the racism of America's South but not far enough from its impact!

Even in Los Angeles, California, where he grew up and the Great Migration took six million Black folks from the oppressed South to lesser oppressed North there was no escaping our tortured past.  Yet, through it all...hope remained.  Encouraged by these songs and God's Word that inspired them our ancestors claimed FREEDOM in the midst of the NOT YET!  

The enslaved Negroes of Texas waited two years for freedom after the signing of the Emancipation  Proclamation in 1863! They waited, ignorantly, legally free, but still in bondage to the masters of their bodies and minds!  My Brothers and Sisters 159 YEARS LATER ARE WE GUILTY OF THE SAME!?


🎉We Celebrate JUNETEENTH with Food, Concerts and Parades....WILL YOU TURN OUT TO VOTE THIS NOVEMBER?!

🎉We Celebrate JUNETEENTH with a day off  from work. But do our children know the sacrifices of their ancestors who died in the Civil Rights Struggle.  DO THEY KNOW THEIR HISTORY?!

🎉We Celebrate JUNETEETH with colorful tee shirts proclaiming our Black Pride, while spending our dollars at Amazon, Temu and Shein. DO WE SUPPORT BLACK BUSINESSES?!

🎉We Celebrate JUNETEENTH with our Sorors and Frat brothers at HBCUs and Elite universities. BUT CAN THEY NAME THE 12 DISCIPLES OR ANY OF THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE!?


There was a time when these things mattered! We have what we have now because of the Good Trouble that Medgar Evans, Martin Luther King, and Viola Liuzzo died to give us. The right to live, work, and use our votes to elect leaders who put our interest before their own! Leaders chosen by God not political parties. (Click Here) Romans 13:1

There was a time when we shopped in our own neighborhoods, bought food and dry goods from folks who looked like us.  We weren't followed around in stores, or had someone stand on a platform surrounded by security mirrors trying to catch up stealing! We spent money on things of value, had life insurance, and saved to leave something for the next generation! (Click Here) Proverbs 3:9-10 

There was a time when the only Drugs children knew about was when they were: Drug to church every Sunday; Drug to school everyday; Drug around the house to learn hard work and how to earn a living: cleaning, cutting grass, and fixing things! They learned honesty, integrity, social manners, and respect for GOD, THE PEOPLE OF GOD, IN THE HOUSE OF GOD!  TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON GOD AND NOT EBT!  (Click Here) Deuteronomy 6:4-8







If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.

Friday, May 10, 2024



Photo credit: Renee Thompson on Unsplash

"It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes." (Psalm 119:71 ESV)

Nobody likes Pain!

And while in its grip, it's hard to rationalize that there's any good purpose in it!   Especially if the aching and throbbing comes not from the physical but deep within from grief, regret or shame!

In so many cases, a pill, ointment, or relaxation technique just won't do the job.  But what we need is not readily prescribed. Sometimes it takes a dark journey into the recesses of the soul to reveal the cause and eventually discover the most effective cure!

Cute Idioms Don't Work!

Many of us have been taught falsely: No Pain, No Gain! Strong Women Don't Cry! Grin and Bear It! These quick jolts of pseudo-encouragement are only temporary band-aids keeping us in denial and allowing our wounds to fester.  The shocking thing is that these same attitudes have creeped into the church under the guise of godly wisdom and true spirituality!? Click here: I John 4:1

Yes, the enemy who knows the Word better than most Christians have a way of even sneaking it into the sermons of clueless preachers. Creating an atmosphere of shame and prohibiting the acknowledgment of our helplessness! Have you ever wanted to just get up and say, "I LOVE JESUS AND PRAY BUT I'M STILL HURTING OVER HERE!!!"

Stop Denying Anger, Sadness, and Fear!

God created us in His image (mind, will and emotion). If we weren't suppose to feel love, joy, sadness or pain, He wouldn't have given it to us.  It is what makes us human and how we relate to  Him in a unique and personal way.  To experience the full range of emotions as a flawed but magnificent masterpiece of the Lord is to experience His Grace in a way none of His other creations can! He understands our pain!! Click here: Isaiah 63:9

"Unprocessed feelings don't die, they live again somewhere!" This is a quote from Geri Scazzero, author of the book The Emotionally Healthy Woman.  Unprocessed emotions raise their heads in the most ungodly ways.  Even if we manage to suppress them protecting our public Christian Identity we damage our inner woman - body, soul, and spirit and that will eventually damage other relationships.  Click here: I Samuel 16:7

Feel It and God Will Fix It!

You are not alone in your pain! But God understands that you feel that way!  That's why He gave us His Word.  We struggle to put into words what we're feeling but read any Psalm in the Bible and you will find your pain in its verses.  Pray and Study them closely and you will also find your healing! Click here: Psalm 34:17-18

It is here that I usually end my blog discourse with a few step by step pointers or scriptures to seal the deal! Not doing that this time! Although God's word is good medicine, it is not a one-shot salvo that takes away everything you are feeling right now! Pain and suffering in life are great teachers and makes us stronger... If We Let Them!     Healing is ours... If We Want It! 

A Few Suggestions

💔Get Alone with the Lord! 

💔Surrender Every Emotion: Cry, Scream, Vent: Allow Yourself to Feel it All!

💔Pray and Read God's Word marking every passage that comforts you to review as needed!

💔Seek godly counsel and/or medical support! (one or both might be needed)

💔Choose to Live Victoriously!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

National Mental Health Hotline is a free, confidential 24-hour hotline

for anyone struggling with depression, anxiety, or any mental health crisis

(Don't Be Ashamed to Call It!)

📞 (866) 903-3787


If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

A SOLAR ECLIPSE: Should Christians EVEN Care?

Photo by Jason Howell, Unsplash

Indianapolis is one of the major cities on the path for good visibility of The Total Solar Eclipse, April 8th.  I tell you... folks are losing their minds! Schools are closing, businesses are shutting down and many governors like ours declared a State of Emergency: Ours is effective March 26 until 11:59 p.m on April 9! 

For weeks now we've been told to gas up our cars; stock up on food and water and generally be prepared for an influx of visitors coming our way.   Hotels are beginning to fill up; Eclipse parties are planned and savvy people are renting out private parking spaces for the viewing.


Let's start with the obvious! Whatever you believe... this occurrence is a big deal! It is an unusual historical event and significant even if you're not into astronomy or other sciences.  The last time a solar eclipse was visible from the U.S. was August 21, 2017. The last time Indiana experienced a total eclipse was in 1869. The next one is projected to be in 2099 (man's estimation of course). 

As Christians we've studied the bible and know that the Hand of God has often been shown in unusual ways! Some have included phenomena occurring in the sky, water, and earth.  Remember the Wise men who followed a star in Matthew 2:1-12; or Moses and the Israelites at the Red Sea in Exodus 13:21-22; and who can forget the great earthquake at Jesus' resurrection, Matthew 28:2.  Any disruption of nature's norm occurring on our planet especially during these times should be of great interest to us (Matthew 24:3-6). 

Now, let's get to some questions I'm hearing:  Should I go out during the eclipse?  Can I go to the bathroom? (honest this was asked!)  Should I take a shower after the eclipse? Will a baby born during a a solar eclipse have birth defects? Should I take a nap during the eclipse? Is this a sign that Jesus is coming or the end of the world is near?

 Before answering let me remind you that luna (moon) is the root word for lunatic. It originally was used to describe someone driven mad by the changing phases of the moon (ie. Wolf Man movies). This accounts for some of the questions coming up!  Many are based on ignorance of science or simply superstitions.  A couple have their basis in religions other than Christianity. What's not covered here you'll probably find on social media - the feeding ground for all conspiracy theorists and lunatics!!!

With all this talk about the moon you can see the connection. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun and the moon blocks the sun for a viewer on earth. A total eclipse is when the moon lines up perfectly to fully block the sun.  The whole thing lasts only a few minutes!  On April 8 (Lord willing) this sight will be awe-inspiring I'm sure.  But what about a time in ancient history (estimated October 30 1207 BCE) when God made the sun stand still and the moon stay in its place until His people defeated their enemy (Joshua 10:12-14). Now that would be something to see!


PLEASE HEED ALL WARNINGS FOR YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY: Don't look at the Eclipse with the naked eye, using sun glasses or through a camera. without a solar filter. Don't do a Selfie! Special glasses should be used at all timesI've read no where that you cannot go out during the eclipse but know if driving, more people will be moving about and there will be total darkness for a few minutes so be careful. 

NO SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION: But some people have experienced eclipse sickness or eclipse anxiety —fatigue, balance issues, flu like symptoms during the eclipse.  But remember if you're already diagnosed with a mental or anxiety-related disorder, the eclipse is not the cause but it might trigger some type of negative response.

THERE'S NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS: That solar eclipse affects your health.  Regarding birth defects of children born during an eclipse; the need to shower before or after viewing the eclipse or prohibition against eating, drinking, napping or using the restroom! There is no evidence that doing these activities will cause harm! But if you're uncomfortable know that God gives you wisdom (James 1:5)

BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES: Darkness and uncertainty always brings about fear!  For centuries people groups around the world have equated eclipses with warnings of judgement, doom, or links to specific prophecies. This has caused unusual behavior among the adherents. But if you are a Christian all we need to know is written in His Word.  In it you will find that God is Sovereign Ruler over EVERYTHING! (Colossians 1:16-17)
  • God is Creator!  He controls both darkness and light. (Genesis 1:1-5; Amos 8:9; Psalm 19:) 
  • God has a Plan!  Like seasons, climates, tides and times-- their   rhythms and cycles help us maintain life as we experience it on a daily basis. (Genesis 8:22; Ecc. 3:1-2; Psalm 74:17, Jeremiah 8:7 ) God has a purpose for everything!
  • God keeps His Promise! We will not be deceived by false prophets and fall into apostasy. (Matthew 24:4, 10-13) 

  • Pray, Praise, and Worship:  While others may be partying Christians should be inspired to marvel at God's great handiwork!  Seeing the wonder of our Lord should invoke praise and reaffirm our faith in our AWESOME, POWERFUL MAGNIFICENT LORD!  (Psalm 19:1-6; 24:1-10; Psalm 89:8).
  • Talk to Unsaved Family and Friends:  This is an excellent time time to brush up on your personal testimony! Just as an eclipse is a rare event with an uncertain timing; we never know when we will have another opportunity to witness to an individual. We are in a season of grace and now is the acceptable time to receive the Lord (2 Corinthians 6:2). While others are looking at the sky remind them that one day Jesus is coming back and they need to be prepared (Acts 1:10-11)

Let me leave you with some final thoughts from that great Christian theologian Charles Spurgeon who witnessed an eclipse, March 14, 1858 and had these words of wisdom to impart from a sermon!

All things teach us, if we have but a mind to learn. 

 There is nothing we can see, or hear, or feel which may not be the channels

 of great instruction to us.  Let us see whether this may lead us this morning

 into a train of thought which may under God's blessing be something 

far better to us than the seeing of an eclipse. 

(When you see the Eclipse my Prayer is that you also see JESUS)


If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.

Saturday, March 9, 2024


Photo by Nk Ni on Unsplash
  Women's History month is well on the way and what a year for celebrating! Today's children and teens have a wide variety of women to choose from for inspiration.  They come from all around the world and are in positions of great significance making our communities and the world at large better!

But even as we recognize the accomplishment of women now and in decades past we cannot forget that women have been standing up for their rights in every era!  This was true even during Biblical times when culturally, women were marginalized and considered property of their fathers and husbands.

These women were valued only as assets to family wealth or human vessels to carry the next male heir.  That's why Zelophehad Daughters in the Book of Numbers stand out in startling contrast. 


Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah were the five daughters of Zelophehad, an Israelite heading for the Promise land. After deliverance from Egyptian slavery Israelites were promised land flowing with milk and honey denoting its fruitfulness.  God gave Moses instructions for dividing the conquered lands among His people and Joshua executed the plan (Joshua 17:3-4).  But Zelophehad died having no sons.  Under current law his portion would be dispersed among male clan members.  UNTIL, these five bold sisters stood up to Moses and the people demanding their right to inherit! (Numbers 27:1-11)

They brought before Moses a case so strong that he had no choice but ask God for guidance! Our Just God heard and granted the sisters their rightful due and this set a legal precedence in Old Testament Law.  With this exception, to keep the land they had to marry within their clan keeping  it in the family! (Numbers 36:6-12) 

Yet, this fight continued for women until the mid-1800s.  In the United States only single women could own property and then under special circumstances. If married only their husbands could buy or own land.  This changed later with the Married Women's Property Act of 1848 and by the 1900s every state passed laws giving women this right.


Two other women find their place among Women's Rights Activists in the Old Testament, Shiprah and Puah! (Exodus 1:15-21) If it weren't for them, there would be no heirs to claim God's promises in Canaan!  Perhaps Zelophehad daughters heard the story about the midwives in Egypt who risked their lives and took note!  Unlike the culture war women are fighting now, these women were trying to keep newborns alive!  When the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt they grew in such numbers that Pharaoh felt threatened.   When a plan to break them with hard work and inferior resources didn't work, he resorted to murder.  He instructed the Hebrew midwives to kill every male Hebrew boy but let the girls live  (Exodus 1:15-20).  The midwives refused and prevented one of the first incidences of Jewish genocide in history.


However, The Greatest Women's Rights Activist in the Bible was not a woman! Before the Civil Rights Movement; Women's Rights Protests, and Black Lives/All Lives Matter Marches with praises  resounding for their martyrs; there was One Who has always been in the forefront of Women's Rights...Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 

The small steps of liberty and value women gained in the Old Testament waned over the years.  By the time of Christ, women were denied education even religious instruction.  They could not be a witness in legal matters (their word could not be trusted).  They couldn't speak to men of note in public and their status was little more than household slaves. 

 But Christ restored their dignity through His word and personal example! Mary of Bethany sat at His feet along with His disciples (Luke 10:38-42).  Mary Magdalene and other women were the first witnesses of His resurrection (Luke 24:10).  He conversed with the Samaritan woman boldly and openly. (John 4:7-26) Thus, we see a woman evangelist and missionary in a foreign land and the birth of the Church Age heralded from the lips of a woman. Throughout Christ's ministry we find  women in His company as disciples, highlighted in teaching illustrations, and bearing witness to His glory.  His example continued throughout the Apostolic Age with Paul and others and although contested in some measure TODAY their significance cannot be denied!


Women's Rights is NOT coveting what belongs to men (Gen. 5:2). There are role distinctions that must be obeyed for spiritual order and harmony!  Women's Rights is NOT claiming rights that are not our own! God still calls the shots! (I Corin. 6:19-20)  But in the course of normal respect, dignity, and justice Christ has ALREADY leveled the playing field! If you consider diversity, equality, and justice for women as a basic human right you can be sure that Christ felt the same (Galatians 3:28). Getting contemporary cultures to agree seems to be the problem.  And so we continue to remind them of the woman's contribution as we exercise with excellence our gifts and by celebrating our right to be acknowledged not just in March but EVERY DAY!


If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.

Monday, February 12, 2024


Picture: Cathal mac an breath (Unsplash)

Well, it's that time of year again, Valentine's Day. The Hallmark Channel on steroids!

Forgive my cynicism.  I'm all about showing love. And as Dionne Warwick once sang, What the World Needs Now is Love...


 Grabbing a card from the Dollar Tree, grocery store flowers, maybe a stuffed animal or boxed candy and calling it love!  I'm not knocking any of these as long as the Giver has put some thought into it! But if you're doing it just for show...then send me a text with an emoji!

 But Sisters, how do you respond to something like that when you really want to hold onto the relationship? When you vowed to God you'd hang in there no matter what if you're married!

Many Christian women are in relationships that are high maintenance and just down right messy!  It's not that you are unequally yoked 2 Corinthians 6:14 but you have a spouse or significant other who doesn't affirm you the way you desire.  A great guy in every other way but not fluent in your particular love language!

These DIFFICULT relationships require more than a once or twice a year compulsory show of affection.  They need something EXTRA to survive!  Something stronger than sentiment, more authentic than materialistic expressions hyped by culture. THEY NEED ANCHORED LOVE!

Click Here: Luke 6:27-36

Anchored love is living out the mandate of Jesus who compels us to love those who don't deserve it.  To serve without thank yous, sacrifice without complaining, and to forgive over and over.  It is the essence of Agape love-- unconditional and usually non-reciprocal.  Different than Eros love (romantic, emotional, or physical) it does not dissipate over time! More intense than Philia love (friendship) which has its place in marriage but if that's all you have it's no more than a transactional agreement--what you can get out of it! Agape love is the highest form of love! 

When you don't get the attention or gifts for birthdays, anniversaries and the like, Anchored love will remind you that beautiful flowers will die!  Candy will be eaten with nothing left but wrappers in a few days!   Jewelry will get lost among the multitude of other items in your jewelry box! But not so with Anchored love!
Click Here: Ephesians 1:13

Messy relationships are hard but are easier to navigate if they are sealed in Christ.  This is a fact!  You can't show or receive Anchored love with grace on your own.  John 15:5b reminds us that without God we can do nothing. Without the Holy Spirit you will not love the way Christ commands. Reliance on the Holy Spirit enables you to love past disappointments! Feel joy in meager efforts of affection!  And keep you from Facebook Envy as you scroll through pictures of elaborate gifts and dinner!  You have peace knowing your true self worth and are satisfied that bills are paid, your children are cared for; and when you really need him, he'll be thereThis is the Spiritual fruit of a love sealed in the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22)

 Click Here: Romans 5:8

No Valentine exists that can compare with the love Christ shows for those who trust in Him! From the time of Adam, we've had a messy relationship with the Lord! Yet, He loves us still! We are the crown of His creation (Psalm 8:5).  On Calvary He sent His love to us signed sealed and delivered! A valentine fashioned on a blood-stained cross.  With the stripes from beatings He wrote to the world:  Will You Be Mine!?  An Elaborate dinner awaits all who will accept Him as Savior (Revelation 19:6-9) and we are sealed forever more in His love (Ephesians 4:30)!

Dear Sisters, Dionne was right! What the world needs now IS LOVE but NOT the artificial kind!  We need ANCHORED LOVE.... even if it comes wrapped in MESSY RELATIONSHIPS!


If you would like to leave a comment please send an email to: sisters4sisters@att.net OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  http://alittlewiser63.blogspot.com  click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.