Saturday, December 9, 2023



Photo by Josh Harrison [Unsplash]
But we prayed to our God, and because of them we set up
 a guard against them day and night.  (Nehemiah 4:9)

🎡It's the most wonderful time of the year...🎡

Well it should be Anyway!

This time of year what is commonly referred to as the Christmas season is really in the Christian tradition, Advent! The word  Advent simply means the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. But for us it's much more.  It is a time to celebrate and prepare!


The celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ's first coming and preparation for His second coming  (the timing scientifically unknown yet uniquely sacred to His Saints). But for many it is interrupted by Bad Actors of the holiday season.  A powerful reminder that advent can be the UNHOLIEST TIME OF THE YEAR!  God's Word warns us that as sheep among wolves we should be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves"(Matthew 10:16).  We need to remember that dishonorable people are also preparing with wickedly ingenuous ways to cause innocent people harm.


As we move deeper and deeper into the world of technology and social media we find evil has kept pace as well! Even though we are consistently warned and have expensive apps at our disposal none can guarantee absolute safety from theft. During the holidays we are busier than ever which means that we become distracted more easily. A phone call sounding like a loved one in trouble; a text from an online shopping store warning you of expensive purchases being charged are all meant to frightened you into giving up confidential information.  FEAR is a well used and faithful tactic that works during this season! "But God has not given us the spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) 


We must not forget that every danger a Saint faces does not come from outside. "Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.  The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak, Jesus says in Matthew 26:41. Emotions and temptations run the gamut during this season of supposed joy and festivities. Everyone wants to capture the feeling of lightness and giddiness to temper at least for awhile the troubles plaguing us at other times! But remember my post from a few weeks ago, The High Cost of Misspent Emotions! For some the cost is bondage and even death!

Single Sisters: Beware of Holiday Hookups as temporary relief from loneliness!  Business Owners: avoid price hikes or the use of inferior materials to boost profits and make up for Down Times in sales!  And one more! Saints don't like to talk about this one! Buying or charging an expensive outfit for a party; wearing it hiding the price tag and then returning it to the store after Christmas!  THIS IS DECEPTION AND IT IS THEFT!!! (Leviticus 19:11)

CHRISTMAS, ADVENT, KWANZAA, YULETIDE - Call it what you want...



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Wednesday, November 8, 2023



It's been almost four weeks and Total Woman: The Bible Study is still resonating in my spirit!  How about you? Have your emotions been recently challenged? Still finding it hard to manage those negative thoughts and feelings? 

Maybe Emotional Spirituality (our study theme) is not a problem for you any more!  Well hang on to your"Halo" Sister... THE HOLIDAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!

If there was ever a time Saints could suffer a relapse in Emotional Spirituality it's during the holidays.  Those stressful times between Thanksgiving and New Years Day!  Don't think because  you attended a bible study or go to church each week that this year will be different!  You won't find a difference in escalating grocery prices and crime.  Common items you want will still be in short supply.   And you"ll still feel the affects of high pressure demands on your time and money. The Difference (if any) will Be In YOU!  REMEMBER.... YOU'RE COMPLETE IN CHRIST! (click here) Colossians 2:9-10


  Refresh yourself with the study's teachings by Geri Scazzero's, The Emotionally Healthy Woman: Eight Things You Have to Quit to Change Your Life (Zondervan, 2013) 

  • Quit being Afraid of What Others Think! - Every year you host the family dinner but this year you don't have the time, money or energy. Yet, you don't want to disappoint or rock the boat! What should you do? Pretend you're okay with it and complain or ask for additional help or maybe a change of venue!  (click here) Galatians 1:10
  • Quit Lying! - Over spending during the holidays is almost a "given" in most households. We buy gifts you can't afford,  for people you don't like, or out of guilt because somebody gave you one last year! You suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) so you attend every holiday gathering, eat too much of the wrong things, too often but swear you'll take off the extra weight  in the new year! You say it's being in the Christmas spirit, but when you step on the scales or the credit card bill comes you get depressed!  Now what spirit is ruling you? (click here) James 4:17
  • Quit Faulty Thinking! - The holidays are a perfect time to let those negative thoughts  flow free! Relationships become strained and are often severely broken because of innocent words spoken that someone misinterpreted! We make things "personal" that have nothing to do with us! Family and work stresses cause nerves to be on edge and attitudes testy making us think the worse about others simply because we "feel" some kinda way!  Our feelings are not reliable information. Beware my Sisters and extend extra grace in these situations!  (click here) Philippians 4:8
  • Quit Living Someone Else's Life - We all want to be liked and to some degree please others.  But when doing so changes who you are this is a problem! Not only for us but also for God!  He has made each of us unique in every part of our being.  Even identical twins aren't really "identical!" Temptations abound during this season. We try to impress others with social media posts in holiday attire.  Go places we don't ordinarily frequent behaving in ways that just doesn't fit who we are! Get a grip and enjoy Your Authentic Beautiful Self!  God makes no mistake! (click here) Ephesians 2:10


Everything we need to get through any season of life is in God's Word! He knows and understands our weaknesses and flaws! (click here) Hebrews 4:15  That's why He cautions us through the men and women of the bible to:

πŸ¦ƒ PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!  (click here) I Thessalonians 5:17  

πŸ¦ƒ  READ HIS WORD! (click here) 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

πŸ¦ƒ  RENEW YOUR MIND! (click here) Romans 12:2 

πŸ””  PRACTICE SELF CONTROL! (click here) I Corinthians 9:27 

πŸ””  EXAMINE YOUR SELF DAILY! (click here) 2 Corinthians 13:5 

πŸ””  REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS!! (click here) Philippians 4:4



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Thursday, October 5, 2023


"Each of you should use whatever gift you have
received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God's grace in its various forms." (I Peter 4:10

Greetings Faithful Readers, excuse me if I'm a bit emotional (pun intended) but I'm just coming off an intense Bible study for women entitled: Total Woman: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality! A hundred or so of my Sisters in Christ and I took a deep dive into a rather sensitive area of our being and found some interesting results.  

The Bible study was a sequel to a March church event sponsored by our Health and Women's ministry. An exposition and forum featuring experts gave attendees holistic approaches to our mental, physical and financial health.  We were informed!  We were enlightened! But we needed just a little more motivation!  Where would we find it?  Not surprisingly, in The All-Encompassing Word of God!

The Apostle Peter says this:  His (God's) divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having expected the corruption that is in the world through lust. 
(I Peter 1:3-4)

Sisters, when it comes to living the abundant life, Christ promises in John 10:10, we must consider what makes us different than God's other creations--Our Emotions! As God's relational rulers of the world, we have unique strengths in nurture and relationships and can experience emotions in a very intense way!  So is this a Blessing or a Curse!?  Let's explore that idea!

Emotions are a Gift from God!

James 1:17 reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.  Humans are the pinnacle, the crown of all that God created (Psalm 8:5) and with that royal position comes heavy responsibilities and accountability!  Who but mankind can enjoy the relationship we have with Almighty God.  We can speak to Him; feel His presence, and He even shares His secrets with us (Psalms 25:14)! 

Emotions are Powerful and Must Be Controlled!

Much like dynamite or nitroglycerin, our emotions are fragile and can become explosive! When sin entered the world it tainted all that God created and certified Very Good (Genesis 1:31). This included emotions residing deep within our human nature (Romans 5:12). Therefore, we were forced into a battle between God's intended good and Satan's evil purposes (Genesis 50:20).  Driven by our thoughts, desires, and beliefs we're in a brutal but not hopeless battle.  Still, this fight takes incredible Spiritual Energy!

Emotions Need an Outlet!

When ignited, emotions have to go somewhere!  Even the negative ones!  We just have to make sure they end up in the right place.  We do ourselves no favor when we pretend we don't feel what we feel!  Culturally, the world has distorted God's design for human emotion: Men are not supposed to cry!  Women are too emotional!  People show strength when they suffer in silence! If it feels good do it! Any of these taken out of proper context can lead to devastating effects.  That's why we need to count the cost (calculate the consequences) for the emotional energy we expend in all situations!

Emotions have a Cost   

The subject of stewardship (using and managing resources for the glory of God) generally comes about when talking of tithing or some type of giving in the church!  We are cautioned about where and how we spend our money. But it goes way beyond that.  It covers all of God's gifts: Time, Money, Talents, Health, Relationships, Energy, Climate, Information. Everything we have as an asset is gifted to us and GOD OWNS IT ALL! (Psalms 24:1-2)  Like everything, all mentioned have a cost and if abused or used neglectfully can be very expensive!

1. ANGER: Jobs/careers (yours or your family's); friends, or even loss of life
2. JEALOUSY: A precious relationship; your integrity, bondage to unhealthy behaviors
3. ANXIETY: Physical health issues and mental disorders of every kind
4. STRESS: All of the above and can Spiritually put you in a free-fall of hopelessness and depression

Negative Emotions Can Be Redirected! 

(The Word of God is the best resource for developing a plan to steward and manage our emotions.)
Although the word emotion never occurs in the bible, there are many examples given of its positive and negative results. Unlike many self-help manuals or therapeutic regimens, Emotional Redirection begins with a Change of One's mindset and conforming it to Christ's (Philippians 2:5; Romans 12:2).  We then move to a more effective course in Behavior Modification: The Put off and Put on Principle (Ephesians 4:22-24).  We finalize with a Maintenance Program of  Prayer, Praise, and regular Power Fillings of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16; 5:22) 

All of America seems to be on a Health Kick!  Work Out, Eat Plant Base, Fast, and Sleep More!  Yet, we are STILL one of the most Emotionally Unhealthy countries in the world.  Without a doubt we are the most violent and our current government officials in shameful disarray!  

These are God-Size Problems to be sure! But we can help by taking care of ONE of them!!!  Ourselves!  Let's commit to getting Emotionally Healthy and then Pass it On to Others!  Not to do so is ….



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Monday, September 4, 2023



Why is it that just when a sister friend relationship starts coming together, the Drama Queen shows up?   It never fails, somewhere between those wonderful fun-filled social activities and long chats of sharing, she makes her appearance!

One little comment gets taken way out of context and before you know comes the drama!  All of a sudden the conversation gets strange or even non-existent and when you ask what's wrong, the face drops to the floor, eyes water up and it all comes out..."I never thought you would ever treat me like that...After all we've been through I thought for sure you would have my back!"  Always over the top with everything normal stuff doesn't happen to a DQ, it's a national crisis in her life.

But Lord, you gotta love those Drama Queen Sisters.  I mean REALLY, the Lord says you HAVE TO!  I Corinthians 13:7 says this: Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

The best way to handle a Drama Queen friend is to not feed into her theatrics.  Down play the seriousness of the situation and although it will take a few times for her to get the message; it won't be long before she moves on to the next person.  Remember no Diva wants to play to an empty theater!  It's no fun if she doesn't get the right response.

A second way, is to set limits to how long you will give them a listening ear.  If on social media, simply stop responding!  If you're face to face, find a way to shorten the conversation.  Move to another conversation as quickly as possible. Not rudely but firmly give your attention to another person in the room or even distance yourself by focusing on an activity that will take you away from the situation.  

Now of course a real Drama Queen will want to tag along or even hunt you down if you escape too quickly. But you can honestly tell her that this is time that you must spend by yourself to do some thinking and when isn't taking a break from the busyness of this world not warranted.  Even Jesus did this!  (Mark 1:35-36).

An opposite approach may also work.  You pick a time and place and actually spend some time with her!  These dear sisters are starving for attention, but seeking it in highly annoying and inappropriate ways!  Let her vent for a few minutes and then stop her with some thought-provoking questions.  Keep them rational and objective, free from emotion:

Did this really happen, just like that?  Have you prayed about it?  What three things could you do to address this issue?  The point is to try to reduce the emotional fuel behind all the theatrics and help her think through the issues.

Last but not least,  make sure the Drama Queen knows that she is not the only sister that you can connect with as a friend, companion, or acquaintance.  As much as she would like to believe that you simply cannot live without her, prove to her that her friendship although cherished will not be allowed to consume you emotionally or your time!

By all means, treat your Drama Queen sister with patience and tenderness.  Pray for her, pray with her but do not handicap her by feeding into a behavior that will eventually devastate all her relationships and actually pushes God off the throne of her heart.


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Friday, August 4, 2023



In last month's blog, I challenged "Real Sisters" to show love, patience, and forbearance with those often touchy, and difficult women in our lives. The recent Pandemic tested our sisterhood relationships in incredible ways, leaving some of the most cherished ones, lying in the dust!  The purpose of this series is to recapture the essence of what true sisterhood is really like! 

I asked you to finish a list already started and here are a few of your comments in "blue":


1.  Will tell you about a good store sale even though you've just had a big argument! 

2. Listens quietly to your drama but won't let you hang up until she's prayed for you!

3. Gives you space to develop a relationship with others without getting offended! 

4.  Loves you enough to tell you when you're wrong and tries to get you back on track!

5. Will complement you when you look good in something you're wearing but tell you the truth if it doesn't look right on you.

6.  A real sister doesn't have to call you every day but has your back when you need her.

7.  Will listen patiently when you "vent" and show the ugly "you" but never reveal a word you have said.

In Other Words

Is a friend truly a friend if she won't be honest with you?  The politically correct answer is, of course not! You want a true sister friend to be  comfortable and trust worthy enough to tell you the truth about yourself when it is needed.  But what happens when that's put to the test?  When she tells you something you don't want to hear and can't even believe!

I'm not talking about making judgment calls, character assassinations, or otherwise petty comments we women indulge in.  Just being brutally honest in order to protect you from harming yourself or another and desiring to see God's best for your life.

The truth is that we all have blind spots when it comes to admitting to things that put us in a bad light!  It might be our behavior, our attitude, sometimes even our loved ones.  All these are deeply personal and can trigger emotions in us so ferocious that it would make a football defensive linebacker cower down!

Very much like when driving, a blind spot is something very close and so obvious that it should be readily seen, but isn't.  In this case it is something we ignore because it is unpleasant or too difficult to deal with.  Now who can't relate to that?  But this is where a true friend is needed to help us out!  To give us perspective.  Take a look at Proverbs 27:6.

"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy."

There is a two-fold interpretation of this saying from the Bible's Book of Wisdom, Proverbs.  First, it tells us that we can depend on a friend telling us the truth about ourselves in a trustworthy and reliable way.  She's not going to go behind our back and bad mouth us to someone else.  She's coming straight to the source!  That's actually the meaning of the Hebrew word emunah in this scripture.  It's literal meaning is "faithful".

But it also means that she does so with great risk!  She may wound you temporarily to bring out the good in a situation but takes the chance of losing your friendship and suffer the consequences of years of anger and bitterness if it is not received well!

Still, isn't it better to hear it from someone you love than in the streets?  That's where those phony friends (the kiss butt  enemies in the the verse) will take it.  They have no qualms about allowing you to live in the devastation of your blind spots then blind side you with insults and abandon you when you hit the wall! 

On our journey to learning what real sisterhood is all about.  Let's think about what matters most! Instead of gathering to ourselves silly sisters willing to tell us what we want to hear; let's find some mature women with enough love to tell us what we need to know, and back bone and patience enough to take it, when we go foul on them and lash out because we don't want to hear it!


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Saturday, July 1, 2023


Bear one another's burdens...
Galatians 6:2

It's been almost four years since the COVID Pandemic and we're still feeling its effects!  One close to home for me, is how social distancing, vaccine controversies, and technology altered treasured relationships - especially with my Spiritual sisters!

With this in mind,  I'm reposting a series written several years ago to remind us to value old connections and give insights for keeping  new connections fresh and vibrant no matter what comes next!

               *  *  *  *  *

Me and you, us never part, (Makidada); Me and you, us have one heart,
(Makidada); Ain't no ocean, ain't no sea (Makidada); Keep my sister
away from me (Makidada)...
                            (From the movie, The Color Purple, 1985, Warner Bros. Films)

I can't help it.  Every time I come across a rerun of this Stephen Spielberg film, I have to watch at least this part: Celie and Nettie's heart wrenching love expressed so poignantly in their clapping song.  (Makidada is Swahili for "Little Sister!") Maybe it's because it conjures up afresh, the love I have for my own sisters, all four are now with the Lord.

All those things they used do that drove me up the wall, doesn't really matter. The personality flawsannoying habitsand even the occasional underhanded schemes to get what they wanted is of no concern.  This fact remains...ride or die...we were sisters and not even eternity will change that!  Nothing will keep us apart!  Our relationship was not by personal choice but came down biologically through our parents...simply put, we're blood!  

This is not unlike our Spiritual Sisters.  They do not come by choice, but through our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We're also Blood!  United and sealed with His Blood throughout eternity (Ephesians 4:5-6).   Why then do we exhibit such intolerance, impatience, and down right hostility when offended by a Sister in Christ?  I understand that we are all human, with real feelings and emotions. It hurts when wounded by another Saint! But I also realize that none of us are ALWAYS operating in the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).  Which means we're open to attack by another Christian at any time.  And by no means are we exempt from doing some sniping of our own. So get used to it!

Still the Bible refuses to give us a pass!  What would happen if we took that eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth adage literally (Matt. 5:38)...we both would end up blind with no teeth!  God insists that for the sake of Spiritual Sisterhood,  we learn to rejoice when persecuted (Matthew 5:11-12) and forgive those who wronged us (Ephesians 4:32). I know...I know, it sounds straight up crazy, counter intuitive, inane, even impossible....But doesn't it sounds just like Jesus?

Relationships are incredibly complex and none are so complex as those between women!  It takes work, it takes prayer.  But let me tell you if you can find a way to work it out, it is well worth the effort!  I'd like to start a little Sister Good will with a list on this blog.  Let's create some positive love language for sisters. I've put a few thoughts down but I want to hear yours.  Please read, add your own comments then post on your favorite social media site.  Not on FB, IG, or Twitter?  

Send an email to: OR  scroll to the bottom of my blog page at  click on the pencil and the no comments will change to a writing space.  I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! HERE WE GO!


1.  Will tell you about a good store sale even though you've just had a big argument! 

2. Listens quietly to your drama but won't let you hang up until she's prayed for you!

3. Gives you space to develop a relationship with others without getting offended! 

4.  Loves you enough to tell you when you're wrong and tries to get you back on track!




Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Photo image from Unsplash
What is so intriguing about a secret? Is it the delicious power of knowing something only you or a few know? Does it create an exclusive bond of trust with another?  Or maybe it just makes you feel special?

 Knowing and keeping secrets from a human perspective can lead to negative and sometimes dangerous consequences. But this is not so when the One who holds the Secrets can be Totally Trusted!

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deuteronomy 29:29)

God is the Ultimate Secret Keeper!  Even those who won't acknowledge Him will agree! For there are some things that Believers and Non-believers share when it comes to wondering about the Secret Things of God!   Such As..

  • God is both Transcendent and Immanent: God cannot be understood or seen physically in our natural and finite state.  He is invisible and no one can see Him and live. (John 4:24; Exodus 33:20) Yet, He IS knowable!  He dwells and is ever present within us with His Spirit. (I Corinthians 3:16; Acts 17:27-28) In the spirit we are empowered, strengthened and comforted by His presence. He is never far away from His children!
  • He has No Beginning and No End: God is Self-existent.  He was not created not even in the minds of others (as some would have you believe).  He is Sovereign and is not dependent on any one other than Himself.  He exists solely for His own purposes and will be so for eternity.  (Colossians 1:16-17)
  • His Wisdom is beyond our understanding: Even the knowable parts He reveals will cause us to scratch our heads!  Some things we just won't understand. That is why our relationship with God is built on FAITH.  We just have to Trust Him! (Isaiah 55:8-9; Hebrews 11:1)
  • The Universe: Man estimates that the observable universe has at least two trillion galaxies. Our earth is located on the Milky Way and is just one of them!  So, could there be life then on other planets?
  • The Human Body: The adult body has about five liters of blood circulating through it continuously. It also has an average of five million pores (tiny holes) in the skin that allows it to breathe and rids the body of toxins. Yet there's never a leak of that blood or any blood loss at all unless an injury occurs from the outside. How could this be?
  • Plant Life: A mustard seed is only 1-2 millimeters in diameter (a pencil dot) but can produce a tree 2.7 meters tall (2,700 times its size). Who but God could do this?
  • Why an All-Powerful God allows Evil (Romans 8:28) 
  • How One Man's death secures the Salvation of uncountable souls throughout generations (Romans 5:12)
  • What happens during physical death ((I Corinthians 15:55-58)
  • When Christ is coming back (Matthew 24) 
You may have noticed that no commentary, only scripture is given for this last section.  This is because man is STILL grappling with these questions and God is showing us the only place an answer can be found and the only ones He will share it with!

The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and He will shew them His covenant.  (Psalm 25:14)



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Thursday, May 4, 2023

There's Nothing Like the Feeling of 'NEW'!

 I am of the generation that still appreciates things that are new!  Southern born from a family of ten children, we didn't always have the luxury of buying or wearing things straight from the manufacturer.

I guess that's why I still love the smell of a new car; the comfort of a brand new mattress, or the sound of new appliances doing their thing, softly and efficiently.  

Not new as in cheap or artificial. There's plenty of that kind of stuff.  Things quickly made to satisfy the desire to look rich without paying the price. But that which is authentic, long lasting and of the highest quality.

The greatest example of the Newness I'm referring to is when the Lord led me to this particular Bible verse early in my Christian life:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Although, I am no longer deprived of new things materially, I am STILL in awe of my God Who allows me to experience this new feeling spiritually.

πŸ’š NEW MERCIES that awaken me each morning - Click Here

πŸ’š NEW FORGIVENESS for my sins  - Click Here 

πŸ’š NEW NATURE controlling my attitudes and lusts  -Click Here

πŸ’š NEW HOPE in times of discouragement and despair - Click Here

As Christians we should never forget the wonder of our salvation experience! Like children who devalue and discard an item as soon as the newness wears off we become satisfied with the  artificial when the genuine is right at hand

Instead we should approach each day and each blessing as a season of newness in our life. Our God is about making things Brand New! He doesn't refurbish or renovate.  He completely changes us from the inside out. 

Are you STILL thirsting for the FAKE when you can have the REAL DEAL my friend? Here's another reminder from God's Word:

Ask the Lord for rain in the spring, for He makes the storm clouds. And He will send showers of rain so every field becomes a lush pasture. (Zechariah 10:1)


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Monday, April 3, 2023

When God Is Not Enough: Some Reflections

t's hard to imagine these words ever coming from a Christian's mouth:

 "Lord, You're just not enough!"

Yet, it happens more often than you think. If not spoken aloud, the sentiment seeps seamlessly from the deepest core of our being into our daily living.  It comes out in our conversation with others.  As we make future plans for ourselves or our children. When difficulties arise. Even when we pray!  

The truth is that we live in a Fallen World, marred by sin and never meant to replace or satisfy the deepest longings of a Saint's heart (Ecclesiastes 6).  If you're finding yourself struggling with the reality of your dual citizenship--in the world but not of the world (Philippians 3:20). Don't be Alarmed!  Don't Panic!  Don't get Discouraged!   


 When God is Not Enough: 

1.  You've Lost your Focus:  Romans 12:2; Hebrews 12:2; Luke 10:38-42; Matthew 16:24.
     We've become distracted and over stimulated by the pitiful offerings of our surroundings. 
     The Enemy competes with the Lord for our time and attention bombarding us with the 
     temporal rather than the eternal.  Our ambitions are distorted yet gloriously affirmed and
     we fall prey to fleshly pleasures. Disillusioned when all fail, we then blame God!

2.  You've Lost your Perspective:  Matthew 6:33; I John 2:15-17; Proverbs 4:25-27; 2 Chronicles 
      This is a natural response to loss of focus.  David, Elijah, and Jesus's disciples at some point 
      experienced this in their lives.  It can come after a great victory or a great loss, when we are fearful 
      or simply just full of ourselves! It makes us think and do what we ordinarily wouldn't. It creates 
      doubt, stress, and fear. We forget Who's really in charge and are no longer beacons of hope but
      deterrents to the Gospel.

3. You've Forgotten God's Promises:  Numbers 23:19; Psalm 145:13; I Corinthians 1:9; 
     I Thessalonians 5:24
     Thankfully, the conditions described above can be temporary experiences and not a pattern
     of your life. They are after all common to every human.  But we have what unbelievers do not.
     We have the promises of God!  One bible scholar says more than 7,000.  Each of these promises
     conditional or unconditional refute any claim that God is NOT Enough! 

If I find in myself a desire
which no experience in this world
can satisfy, the most probable
explanation is that I was made
for another world.
                                            -C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity 

       PRAYER FOR TODAY: "God, whom do I have in heaven but you? And besides you,
                                                        there is nothing on earth I desire. Let that be my prayer,
                                                        because you are enough. AMEN"


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Thursday, March 2, 2023


Photo by

 March is here Sisters, and if you're in my part of the country we are experiencing some really spring like weather! But don't get too comfortable it could change any time!

Unlike the weather, the one thing that doesn't change is the powerful and positive impact women have been making in our world!  March is National Women's History Month!  The 2023 theme is: "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories."

It's all about highlighting the accomplishments of women past and present who have been active in print and broadcast media, television, newspapers, magazines, etc.  And since technology has been the newest frontier to conquer, our presence in the world of podcasts and social media. We've got plenty to talk about, to bring our unique perspective to and we're doing it!  Now that's exciting isn't it?

You want to hear something just as exciting? YOUR STORY!

Yes, Dear Sisters, you too have a story to tell!  And  looking at the way the world is trying to bend the minds of our young people, we need to get to it! FAST~ So how do you do that?!  

TELL YOUR FAMILY HISTORY!  I challenge you to find the Heroes and Sheroes in your own family and share their stories. The FIRST college graduates, FIRST preachers, FIRST land and business owners.   It's no secret that there is a strategic force rising within our nation to wipe out the significant contributions that people of color have made. Legislation however can not take away your history.  The legacy of your family and neighbors that you can pass on!

TELL YOUR PERSONAL HISTORY!  In telling your story it is inevitable that something painful or even shameful from your past may rear its head.  This must not be hidden.  These are the things that if you have dealt with them makes us stronger and better.  How will generational curses be broken if they are not acknowledged? How can we teach our children to trust us rather than social media influencers if we're not honest with them about everything? We're living in an age in which nothing in our past can be absolutely buried.  Know this, a simple google search, DNA test, or people search could possibly tell it all but out of context and without the true story!  Let them hear it from us first!

TELL YOUR SALVATION HISTORY!  I love this old adage: "Every Saint has a past and every Sinner has a future!"  It puts us all on an even playing field!  None of us is as good as we think we are! Romans 3:23 tells us, All have sinned and fallen short.... The quicker we are to give our B.C.  (Before Christ) testimony the easier it will be for others to understand God's Amazing Grace! When sharing the Gospel of Christ use your life first, then open the Bible! It still stuns me when someone tells me, "You've been a Christian so long, you just don't understand what I'm going through!"   The flesh never forgets!  We who are Overcomers struggle daily. We've just learned how to use the tools God gives us a little better than some others. 

TELL THE BIBLE'S HISTORY! Still confused about where to begin YOUR story?  Go to God's Word!  HIS STORY IS OUR STORY: Our CREATION, SIN, AND REDEMPTION!!!

My church's Prayer Ministry is doing just that!  This month on our 6:30 A.M.  Prayer line we're celebrating Women's History every day by telling the stories of one of our Bible Sisters!  Stories of Faith, Pain, Betrayal, Foolishness, Envy, Courage, and Humility.  If you are honest you will find your own story in the lives of one or more of these women!  The good news is that you will also find God's Love, Hope, and Glory in there too!

Join us: Monday- Friday: 6:30 am-6:45 am (EST) - (267) 807--9495; Access code: 181-134-529# 


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Tuesday, January 31, 2023



[Photo by Aron Burden, Unsplash]
Greetings Friends!  It's been a minute since I've posted but all is well with me and I can proclaim with confidence that GOD IS STILL GOOD! I hope as you read this you can say the same!

We're only 31 days into the new year and already I've had to regroup mentally for the changes, challenges, and chaos this year is already showing us! But hang in there Help is on the way!

 How do I know? "Cause the Bible tells me so!"

Speaking of the WORD, the Lord dropped a bit of spiritual insight on me this morning that I'd like to share.  Upon reading one of my devotionals, I came across what I thought was a familiar verse notation and upon reviewing it from the Bible found it wasn't what I thought it was.  It was the verse that came after!  What a gem of wisdom I would have missed if I hadn't gone just a little bit further in God's Word!

It got me wondering...about our deception of assumption... thinking you know the full meaning and context of a familiar scripture, simply because you've heard it so often.  Here are a few examples!